
Scoreboard using Meteor, Compass, Twitter Bootstrap and Guard gems

Primary LanguageRuby

Meteor Scoreboard example with CoffeeScript, Compass, Bootstrap and Guard gems

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A port of the Meteor framework's Leaderboard example rewritten using CoffeeScript, Compass and Twitter Bootstrap and Guard gems.


Install Meteor:

  $ curl install.meteor.com | /bin/sh

Clone the repository:

  $ git clone git@git:gdumitrescu/scoreboard.git

Run bundler command:

  $ bundle install 

Run guard command to watch for file changes:

  $ [bundle exec] guard -g ui

To start the project in the built-in Meteor server:

  $ meteor [run]

Deploy on Nitrous.IO and MongoLab

  • Login to Nitrous.IO box and clone the repository

  • Install Meteor using Nitours.IO autoparts feature

$ parts install meteor
  • Install meteorite on Nitrous.IO (Note: version 0.6 or lower)
$ npm install -g meteorite
  • Add MongoLab account entries into ~/.bash_profile
export MONGODB_DEV_HOST=<hostname>.mongolab.com
export MONGODB_DEV_PORT=<port>
export MONGODB_DEV_USR=<username>
export MONGODB_DEV_PWD=<password>
export MONGODB_DEV_DB=<database>


and reload .bash_profile and run meteorite

Deploy on Heroku and MongoLab

  • Clone the repository and change into that directory

  • Run the following commands using Heroku Toolbelt

$ heroku create <herokuappname> --stack cedar --buildpack https://github.com/jordansissel/heroku-buildpack-meteor.git

$ heroku config:set MONGO_URL=mongodb://<username>:<password>@<hostname>.mongolab.com:<port>/<database>

$ heroku config:set ROOT_URL=<herokuappname>.herokuapp.com

$ git push heroku master


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