
Project for testing CI services

Primary LanguageShell

Testing CI

Project for testing CI services

Waffle.io - Columns and their card count

Throughput Graph

Name Features Status
Airplane CI offline
CircleCI https://circleci.com/product/#features online
Codefresh https://codefresh.io/features online
Codeship https://codeship.com/features online
drone.io online
Magnum CI offline
Shippable https://www.shippable.com/devops-platform.html online
Snap CI offline
Strider-CD online
Travis CI online


  • Airplane CI - Hosted Concourse CI. Fully managed, single-tenant Concourse deployments; Automatically updated to the latest Concourse release.
  • CircleCI - Continuous integration and delivery platform makes it easy for teams of all sizes to rapidly build and release quality software at scale. Build for Linux, macOS, and Android, in the cloud or behind your firewall.
  • Codefresh - CI/CD platform built for containers. It allows you to manage and automate the lifecycle of Docker apps: Build, Test, Deploy & Collaborate.
  • Codeship - Hosted continuous integration and deployment. Built for the cloud.
  • drone.io - Hosted Continuous Integration and Deployment for Github, Bitbucket and Google Code. Supports 12+ languages including Java, Groovy, Go, Dart and Node.
  • Magnum CI - Hosted Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment Platform
  • Shippable - Shippable is a hosted Continuous Integration & Continuous Deployment platform using Docker for Node.js, Ruby, Java, .Net and Python.
  • Snap CI - Easy builds, deployed when you want. Snap delivers fast feedback so you can deliver high quality software quickly.
  • Strider-CD - Open Source Continuous Integration & Deployment Server
  • Travis CI - Free Hosted Continuous Integration Platform for the Open Source Community

Concourse is a trademark of Concourse in the U.S. and other countries.