
The script I wrote to search for biases in Dribbble members' “likes” (TL;DR none found).

Primary LanguagePython


This script retrieves “likes” for the most popular Dribbble shots (of the current week, by default) and export a matrix in the following format (with X, Y, Z… as user ids):

shot_id	| views_count	| likes_count	| comments_count	| attachments_count	| rebounds_count	| buckets_count	| created_at			| user_id	| user_location	| user_followers_count	| user_followings_coount	| user_shots_count	| X	| Y	| Z	| …
1967328	| 4976			| 765			| 87				| 1					| 0					| 37			| 2015-03-10T19:35:58Z	| 4593		| Minneapolis	| 5967					| 208						| 128				| 0	| 1	| 1	| …
1970483	| 4272			| 656			| 27				| 0					| 0					| 61			| 2015-03-12T16:11:30Z	| 31752		| Palo Alto, Ca	| 29311					| 1524						| 532				| 0	| 0	| 0	| …

See the resulting CSV and JSON files.

After using a k-means clustering technique (see XLSX file) on the resulting data, I did not find any biases in Dribbble members' “likes” (tweet). Please contact me at @gduverger if you reach a different conclusion or if you find (an) issue(s) in the script. Thanks!

Unsuccesful attempt at clustering “likes”:

K-means clustering

Setting a virtual environment (optional)

$ cd likkkes/
$ mkdir venv
$ virtualenv venv/likkkes --no-site-packages --verbose
$ source venv/likkkes/bin/activate

Update the configuration file (required)

Create a text file named likkkes.conf with your Dribbble Client Access Token in it (register an application).

Installing the dependencies (required)

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Executing the script

$ python likkkes.py --format=csv --verbose


$ python likkkes.py --help
Usage: likkkes.py [OPTIONS]

  --verbose / --no-verbose        Verbosity (False by default).
  --follow / --no-follow          Fetch next page results or not (False by
  -p, --shots-per-page INTEGER    The number of shots returned per page (10 by
  -q, --likes-per-page INTEGER    The number of likes returned per page (100
                                  by default).
  --headings / --no-headings      Include the table headings (True by default,
                                  CSV only).
  -t, --timeframe TEXT            A period of time to limit the results to
                                  (False by default).
  -f, --format [csv|json]         The file format to export the results to.
  -s, --sort [comments|recent|views]
                                  The sort field ("recent" by default).
  --help                          Show this message and exit.