
Quick repo to play with WASM & SDL2



To compile with emscripten, (install it here https://emscripten.org/docs/getting_started/index.html), then run this in the root folder



To run with C++

install vcpkg via github

./vcpkg integrate install

./vcpkg install sdl2 sdl2-image

Set env to wherever you installed VCPKG


Alternatively use example.settings.json to specify vcpkg cmake toolchain file (if you accidentally do this after cmake: configure, you'll have to run cleanup.sh and go again)

use suggested vs code extensions to run via cmake (Shift+CMD+P "Cmake: Configure")

To clear out temporary files locally run this, (sometimes required if messing w/new libs)


When adding new .h & .cpp files, ensure to go back into CMakeLists.txt, add a space + hit save. That'll auto add new files to the build.

When setting up environment for first time, please download suggested VSCode plugins, and ensure you've setup this one jbenden.c-cpp-flylint (including installing system dependencies) and have config.formatOnSave equal to true. This ensures auto-linter stays working


Build a game sandbox application that cross-compiles to WASM, MacOS, & Linux Desktop


  • Port some generic components I built in college to be WASM-compatible
    • Generic Asset Loading
    • Audio
    • 2D Animation
    • Controller + Keyboard input
  • Get Fullscreen properly working in browser (kinda works but iffy right now)
  • Split Code into Framework v Implementation
    • I want a monolithic application that can hot-load / unload new scenes 1 by 1
    • Each scene will start as an empty sandbox app, with access to common framework components. Each scene will be used to spike new ideas/libraries/gameplay prototypes etc.
    • Each scene will be loadable via an IMGUI ui scene picker
  • Build a CD pipeline for repo
    • auto compile and deploy the monolithic sandbox application to an S3 bucket (behind a CDN) on every push to master
    • Make accessible to a domain so I can access it easily for demo purposes.