
Tools for building typesafe apps

Primary LanguageTypeScript

safenv or safe environment — set of tools to improve Developer Expirience with TypeScript, Redux, React and related stuff. It provides convenient ways to build typesafe application with less pain.


Tools provided by safenv are totally modular and you can use only things you need. With all features installation command looks like this:

npm install --save \
  @safenv/factory \
  @safenv/di \
  @safenv/actions \
  @safenv/reducers \
  @safenv/inject \
  @safenv/fetch \
  @safenv/selectors \
  typesafe-actions \
  react-redux \
  redux \
  immer \
  reselect \

Getting Started

There are two parts in this manual: Preparation and Usage step.

Preparation Step

Let's see on project example. It has the following structure:

  - src
    - modules
      - news
        - state
    - state

First of all let's see on the top level state/*.


state/reducers.ts contains creator function which returns root redux reducer and type of application root state. For now we don't have any reducers:

import { combineReducers } from "redux";

export const createRootReducer = () => {
  return combineReducers({});

export interface RootState {}

state/actions.ts contains creator function which returns combination of all actions within app and types of this combination as well. For now we don't have any actions (note RootAction type is created with typesafe-action):

import { ActionType } from "typesafe-actions";

export const createActions = () => ({});

export type Actions = ReturnType<typeof createActions>;
export type RootAction = ActionType<Actions>;

state/selectors.ts contains creator function which returns combination of all selectors within app and types of this combination as well. For now we don't have any selectors:

export const createSelectors = () => ({});

export type Selectors = ReturnType<typeof createSelectors>;

state/extras.ts contains creator function which returns extra utilities or data you want to have across all the application. We want to add typesafe @safenv/fetch (it also provides interceptors and default config functionality) here:

import { createFetch } from "@safenv/fetch";

export const createExtras = () => ({
  fetch: createFetch(window.fetch, {
    baseUrl: "https://hacker-news.firebaseio.com/v0/"

export type Extras = ReturnType<typeof createExtras>;

It's time to figure out what's the purpose of factory.ts. It creates typesafe binded utilities to work with application state (actions, selectors, reducers) and inject helper to connect react with redux. With these functions you almost don't need to write state related types manually when writing actual application related code.

import { createFactory } from "@safenv/factory";
import { connect } from "react-redux";

export const {
} = createFactory<
>({ connect });

IMPORTANT. Note createFactory function call. It accepts 4 generics: RootState, Actions, Selectors and Extras — types from your ./state/*. You should not import anything except types from ./state/* here.

Also note provider here. It's a global store which holds redux store and all your actions, selectors and extras. provider has lazy api, helps to avoid dependencies collisions (like cycles) and makes sure that all actions/selectors/extras are ready to use.


Now we can touch redux store in ./state/store.ts.

import { createFetchActionMiddleware } from "@safenv/actions";
import { applyMiddleware, createStore as reduxCreateStore } from "redux";
import { provider } from "~/factory";
import { createRootReducer } from "./reducers";

export const createStore = () => {
  return reduxCreateStore(

It creates redux store with root reducer from ./state/reducers.ts and createFetchActionMiddleware which accepts our better fetch from extras and will do request actions lifecycle (request, success, response) for us automatically. Note provider and lazy .extras() getter call here.


Latest thing in ./state dir is ./state/index.ts. It returns context creator function with all functionality we are implemented before:

import { createActions } from "~/state/actions";
import { createExtras } from "~/state/extras";
import { createSelectors } from "~/state/selectors";
import { createStore } from "~/state/store";

export const createContext = () => ({
Application Entry

Application entry placed in index.tsx.

import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { Provider } from "react-redux";
import { provider } from "~/factory";
import { createContext } from "~/state";

const context = createContext();

provider.runWith(context, async () => {
  const { News } = await import("~/modules/news/News");
    <Provider store={provider.store()}>
      <News />

We create the context here and use the provider from factory.ts to start application. IMPORTANT. Application Root Component (<News /> here) should be imported and used only after provider.runWith called (in async way as in the example). Otherwise you can run across issues with not yet attached actions/selectors/extras. Perhaps there is a better way to do this and avoid the need in provider.runWith. This is the most important thing I don't like and I'm investigating in improvements here.

Usage Step

Phew. All preparations are done and we can write actual application related code. Keep calm, the better part comes.

Our example contains only one modules/news module. It has state directory with actions, reducers, selectors and types.


Example uses HackerNews API. modules/news/types.ts contains simple HackerNewsPost type to describe response body from API.

export interface HackerNewsPost {
  readonly id: string;
  readonly time: number;
  readonly title: string;
  readonly url: string;

modules/news/actions.ts contains all news module related actions. All actions use great typesafe-actions under the hood.

import { createFetchAction } from "~/factory";
import { HackerNewsPost } from "./types";

export const fetchNews = createFetchAction(
)<{ limit: number }, HackerNewsPost[]>(({ limit }, { extras }) => ({
  // fetch instance from extras configured with baseUrl so only rest path needed
  url: "/topstories.json",

  // It's possible to intercept and modify response
  handlers: {
    // Without this handler response body will be passed to reducer as is
    onSuccess: async (response: Response) => {
      // Fetch data for every hackernews post id
      const ids: string[] = await response.json();
      const promises = ids.slice(0, limit).map(id => {
        return new Promise<HackerNewsPost>((resolve, reject) => {
          // this `fetch` comes from extras/
          // it's improved typesafe version of Fetch API.
          // HackerNewsPost used to type responsed json
            .then(response => resolve(response.json()))
      // Return array of fetched hacker news posts
      return Promise.all(promises);

createFetchAction creator from our factory.ts is similar to createAsyncAction but with extra logic inside. We marked fetchNews action with HackerNewsPost[] type as response payload.


modules/news/reducers.ts contains all news module related reducers. In most cases only single reducer should be exported.

import { createReducer } from "~/factory";
import { HackerNewsPost } from "./types";

export interface State {
  readonly loading: boolean;
  readonly news: ReadonlyArray<HackerNewsPost>;
  readonly error: string | null;

const initialState: State = {
  loading: false,
  news: [],
  error: null

export const reducer = createReducer(
  ({ actions, getType }) => (draft, action) => {
    switch (action.type) {
      case getType(actions().news.fetchNews.request): {
        draft.loading = true;
      case getType(actions().news.fetchNews.success): {
        draft.loading = false;
        draft.news = action.payload.body;
        draft.error = null;
      case getType(actions().news.fetchNews.failure): {
        draft.loading = false;
        const error = action.payload.error;
        const defaultError = "Something went wrong";
        draft.error = typeof error === "string" ? error : defaultError;

Note exported State type. All modules reducers should be described with some State type and export this type.

Next createReducer helper. First callback provides all actions from all modules to the reducer function. So you can react on other modules actions in each reducer. Also it provides getType helper from typesafe-actions. Next callback is actual reducer body and this will be wrapped with immer (so you can create the next immutable state tree by simply modifying the current tree). If you don't want to use immer import and use createBasicReducer instead.

Next the most interested part of reducers: with getType in switch/case action variable payload has right type in each cases. Big thanks to typesafe-actions again.


modules/news/selectors.ts contains all news module related selectors. It uses great reselect and re-reselect ibraries.

import {
} from "~/factory";

export const getLoading = createSelector(state => {
  return state.news.loading;

export const getError = createSelector(state => {
  return state.news.error;

export const getNews = createSelector(state => {
  return state.news.news;

export const getNewsIds = createMemoSelector(getNews, news =>
  news.map(item => item.id)

export const getNewsItemById = createMemoSelectorWithArgs(
  createSelectorWithArgs((state, id: string) => id),
  (news, id) => news.find(item => item.id === id)
)((state, id) => id);

Note all the state args are properly typed with RootState type.

Attatch to root state

Now we should add new actions, reducer and selectors to the root of state.

Inside state/actions.ts add news actions:

import { ActionType } from "typesafe-actions";
import * as news from "~/modules/news/state/actions";

export const createActions = () => ({

export type Actions = ReturnType<typeof createActions>;
export type RootAction = ActionType<Actions>;

Inside state/reducers.ts add news reducer and State type:

import { combineReducers } from "redux";
import * as news from "~/modules/news/state/reducers";

export const createRootReducer = () => {
  return combineReducers({
    news: news.reducer

export interface RootState {
  readonly news: import("~/modules/news/state/reducers").State;

Inside state/selectors.ts add news selectors:

import * as news from "~/modules/news/state/selectors";

export const createSelectors = () => ({

export type Selectors = ReturnType<typeof createSelectors>;

I'm thinking about how to improve attaching experience. One thought about it - these files can be auto generated in compilation time.


Now it's time to connect react component with redux state. modules/news/News.tsx component with comments:

import * as React from "react";
// Import `inject` helper to connect react with redux state
import { inject } from "~/factory";
import { NewsItem } from "./NewsItem";

// `inject` it's a just wrapper on the top of react-redux `connect` function
// `inject` automatically provides actions/selectors/extras
// all of them are not objects, but lazy functions and
// they return actions/state/extras objects under keys ("news" here)
// `mapState` is react-redux `mapStateToProps`
// `mapActions` is almost the same react-redux `mapDispatchToProps`
const injector = inject(({ actions, selectors, extras }) => ({
  mapState: state => ({
    // as usual map state to props with selectors
    loading: selectors().news.getLoading(state),
    error: selectors().news.getError(state),
    newsIds: selectors().news.getNewsIds(state)
  mapActions: {
    // Note that `fetchNews` action produced with `createFetchAction`
    // and contains three actions: request, success, failure.
    // For automatic fetch lifecycle with redux middleware
    // `request` action should be dispatched
    fetchNews: actions().news.fetchNews.request

// We need to infer Props Type manually because TypeScript
// will not set React.Component<Props> generic type automatically.
// And @safenv/inject provides convinient `InjectedProps` type for that.
// It can be omitted with functional components though.
type Props = import("@safenv/inject").InjectedProps<typeof injector>;

// Wrap component with injector HOC as usual with react-redux `connect`
export const News = injector(
  class NewsComponent extends React.Component<Props> {
    componentDidMount() {
      // Request action mapped in `mapActions`
      this.props.fetchNews({ args: { limit: 10 } });

    render() {
      const { loading, error, newsIds } = this.props;
      const ready = Boolean(!loading && !error);
      return (
        <div className="app-wrapper">
          <h2>Top 10 Hacker News</h2>
          {loading && (
            <div className="news-wrapper news-loading">Loading...</div>
          {error && <div className="news-wrapper news-error">{error}</div>}
          {ready && (
            <div className="news-wrapper">
              {newsIds.map(id => (
                // each post is NewsItem component
                <NewsItem id={id} key={id} />

And modules/news/NewsItem.tsx:

import * as React from "react";
import { inject } from "~/factory";

// Shortand `inject` usage with functional component
export const NewsItem = inject(({ selectors }) => ({
  mapState: (state, props: { id: string }) => ({
    // use cached selector with `id` as argument
    item: selectors().news.getNewsItemById(state, props.id)
}))(props => {
  return (
    <div className="news-post">
        <a href={props.item.url}>{props.item.title}</a>

And that's it. It covers all main features of safenv.