
Decompose doesn't give bcf file give json instead

rahulAAI opened this issue · 3 comments

tracy decompose -v -o outprefix -g ref.fna Sample.ab1
used this command for variant calling, getting a json file but no bcf

The genome is specified with -r and not -g. Your command should be:

tracy decompose -v -o outprefix -r ref.fna Sample.ab1

This command generates outprefix.json and outprefix.bcf among other files.

Please also check you are using the latest tracy version (v0.7.1):

tracy -v

Thank you, the version upgrade worked .
but now i am facing a new problem.
tracy index -o ref.fa.fm9 ref.fna
does not produce a ref.fa.fm9 file
i have tried indexing with samtools faidx and the using this command as well
Thank you for your help

The genome ref.fa needs to be bgzipped (htslib) and indexed with samtools (samtools).

bgzip ref.fa
samtools index ref.fa.gz
tracy index -o ref.fa.fm9 ref.fa.gz