
Rust implementation of ROAST (Robust Asynchronous Schnorr Threshold Signatures) with cryptography by Zcash Foundation

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

ROAST (Robust Asynchronous Schnorr Threshold Signatures)

Build Status

Crate Description
roast-core Generic ROAST implementation
roast-ed25519 Ed25519 ciphersuite
roast-ed448 Ed448 ciphersuite
roast-p256 P-256 ciphersuite
roast-ristretto255 Ristretto255 ciphersuite
roast-secp256k1 secp256k1 ciphersuite
roast-secp256k1-evm secp256k1 ciphersuite (EVM)
roast-secp256k1-tr secp256k1 ciphersuite (Taproot)

Rust implementation of ROAST (Robust Asynchronous Schnorr Threshold Signatures) with cryptography by Zcash Foundation.

Getting Started

Refer to the ZF FROST book, ROAST white paper and cybersecurity seminar about ROAST.


The ROAST implementation is not yet finalized. Thus, significant changes may occur and SemVer is not guaranteed. ZF FROST code base has been partially audited by NCC, see below for details.


NCC performed an audit of ZF FROST. So the cryptography was audited, but this ROAST implementation was not audited.


roast-core implements the base traits and types in a generic manner, to enable top-level implementations for different ciphersuites / curves without having to implement all of ROAST from scratch. End-users should not use roast-core if they want to sign and verify signatures, they should use the crate specific to their ciphersuite/curve parameters that uses roast-core as a dependency.