
Cards Against Humanity IRC bot

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Cards Against Humanity IRC bot

This is a node.js bot that lets you play Cards Against Humanity over IRC. This version is running on ##humanity @ freenode. It is heavily based on a bot from #cah on IRCnet.


  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Copy the configuration file config.json.example to config.json
  3. Edit configuration file with your channel & server settings.
  4. Install dependencies using npm install.
  • Node.js - tested on 4+


Run the bot by running npm start, in tmux or screen for example.


If you would rather identify to the server directly instead of msging nickserv, you can use SASL:

    "clientOptions": {
        "sasl": true,               // - Enable SASL?
        "secure": true,             // - Enable SSL encryption?
        "selfSigned": true,         // - If SSL, allow unverified server certificates?
        "port": 6697,               // - The SSL port your server listens on.
        "userName": "cah",          // - The account name to identify as.
        "password": "mypassword"    // - The account password.

Game Commands

The prefix character '.' is configurable. Settings for specific commands are configurable in commands.json

[] optional command parameter
<> required command parameter
[ ...] parameter can be repeated
# a number

General Commands

Command Parameters Description
.help List commands.
.test Get a test NOTICE from the bot - if you can't see this, you won't be able to see your cards.
.join (.j) * Join the currently running game or else start a new one, taking the same parameters as .start.
.start [#] [~deckGroup ...] [+deck ...] [-deck ...] Start a new game with default or specified card decks. (See Starting a Game)
.cstart ^ Start a new game in Card Czar mode (standard game).
.vstart ^ Start a new game without a card czar -- all players vote for the winner each round.
.decks (.d) Show the list of available card decks and the deck group tags that are defined. If used during a game it will list the decks active for that game. (See Decks and Groups)
.deckinfo (.di) <code> Display information about the deck code -- e.g. .di CAHBS (See Decks and Groups)
.groupinfo (.gi) <tag> List the decks and groups collected under tag -- e.g. .gi ~DEFAULT (See Decks and Groups)
.ping Tell the bot to highlight all the available players in the channel.
.away ["forever"] Make yourself exempt from being .pinged
.beer `[nick...] "all"`
.points Show players' awesome points in the current game.
.list List players in the current game.
.status Show current status of the game. Output depends on the state of the game (e.g. when waiting for players to play, you can check who hasn't played yet).

Player Commands

Command Parameters Description
.quit (.q) Leave the game.
.cards (.c) Show the cards you have in your hand.
# [#...] Pick number # -- typing just a number or numbers is exactly the same as using the .pick command.
.pick (.p) # [#...] Alias for .play and .winner commands (or .vote in no-czar games).
.play # [#...] Play a card from your hand, # being the number of the card in the list. Play as many numbers separated by spaces as the current card required.
.winner (.w) # Pick a winner of the round, # being the number of the entry in the list. Only for the current card czar.

Op Commands

You must be opped in the channel to use these commands (configurable).

Command Parameters Description
.stop Stop the currently running game.
.pause Pause the currently running game.
.resume Resume a paused game.
.remove (.r) <nick> Remove a player from the game.

The bot will also act on invites to channels it knows about.

Starting a Game

The .start command provides several options, most importantly allowing you to choose the card decks for your game. You can list the available decks using the .decks command at any time while a game is not running.

.start # -- where # is the number of points needed to win.

  .start 5

.start # code -- load specific card decks by code

  .start 3 CAHBS
  .start 5 CAHBS JBYMF FFE2X

.start # ~group -- whole deck groups can be referenced by tag. Tags start with a ~ (tilde)

  .start 7 ~FULL

.start # ... -code -- start without a specific deck or decks

  .start 5 ~STANDARD -CAHBS
  .start 8 ~DEFAULT JBYMF -FFE2X

You can also start a game in Voting or 'Democracy' mode -- there is no Card Czar and the winner in each round is chosen by vote. In this mode, players must send their vote by private message, e.g. /msg cabbit 4

Decks and Groups

All cards are sourced from Cardcast (where you can easily build your own decks). Decks are made available by enabling them in config.json. You can also define arbitrary deck group tags. The default decks to be loaded are set by defining the ~DEFAULT tag.

Notices in Active Window

Some important game messages are sent by NOTICE. To get notices in the active window of your client:


All contributions are welcome in any form, be it pull requests for new features and bug fixes or issue reports or anything else. Feel free to drop into ##humanity-dev @ freenode

It is recommended to use the develop branch as a starting point for new features.


Thanks to @teeli for the original bot and to everyone who has contributed feedback and suggestions.


Cards Against Humanity IRC bot and its source code is licensed under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 2.0 license.