
Gearbox solutions default eslint config

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Install package and dependencies

pnpm install --save-dev @gearbox-solutions/eslint-config-gbx

Create and configure your .eslintrc.cjs

touch .eslintrc.cjs

Add the following to your .eslintrc.cjs

module.exports = {
    extends: '@gearbox-solutions/gbx',

Create and configure prettier.config.js

export default {
    plugins: [import('prettier-plugin-tailwindcss')],
    printWidth: 120

Add scripts to package.json

Add the following two script to your package.json file.

You'll need to replace <src> with the location of the files you'd like ESLint to target. This may be different for each project.

"scripts": {
	"lint": "eslint --ext .ts,.js,.vue <src>",
	"lint:fix": "eslint --ext .ts,.js,.vue <src> --fix",
        "prettier:write": "prettier --write \"resources/js/**/*.{js,ts,vue}\""

Run lint

Will display any errors or warnings ESLint finds in the codebase

npm run lint

Run fix

Will attempt to fix any errors or warnings that ESLint finds

npm run lint:fix

Run Prettier

Format files with Prettier formatting

npm run prettier:write

Publishing this package

If you make changes to this package, you'll need to publish it to NPM. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Update Version in package.json
  2. Commit and push changes
  3. run npm publish --access public