
Primary LanguageJavaScript


A Node-based Proof-of-Concept REST service that responds to requests for products pricing information for a given Product ID.

Technical Details

myRetail is written in ES2015 (aka ES6) JavaScript and utilizes the Restify framework to provide the basic infrastructure for REST request handling. It also uses Mongoose to manage models and communicate with MongoDB instance to hold product price information.

As per the requirements, the service also retreives general product information (in this case just the "name" of the product) from an external 3rd-party service.

As an extra feature, the service allows updating the price of existing products. It does not support creating new products at this time.

Being a PoC, the service upon startup will determine if there is data in the MongoDB and if not, it will create a set of known products with prices.

Integration tests are provided and based on the Mocha testing framework.

Configuration settings for the service are in the file config.js

Provided HTTP API


GET /products/{productId}

Retrieves a product from the system with name and price

Sample Response

  "name": "iPhone 6 Plus - AT&T",
  "id": "16483589",
  "__v": 0,
  "current_price": {
    "value": 88.22,
    "currency_code": "USD"


PUT /products/{productId}/price
// request body
  "value": 3.0,
  "currency_code": "USD"


GET /products

Returns a list of all known products (product name not provided currently)

Sample Response

    "__v": 0,
    "_id": "56495645ef7073b32a3b765b",
    "id": "15117729",
    "current_price": {
      "value": 10.4,
      "currency_code": "EUR"
    "id": "16483589",
    "_id": "56495645ef7073b32a3b765c",
    "__v": 0,
    "current_price": {
      "value": 88.22,
      "currency_code": "USD"
    "id": "16696652",
    "_id": "56495645ef7073b32a3b765d",
    "__v": 0,
    "current_price": {
      "value": 93.26,
      "currency_code": "USD"
    "id": "16752456",
    "_id": "56495645ef7073b32a3b765e",
    "__v": 0,
    "current_price": {
      "value": 78.04,
      "currency_code": "USD"
    "id": "15643793",
    "_id": "56495645ef7073b32a3b765f",
    "__v": 0,
    "current_price": {
      "value": 68.71,
      "currency_code": "USD"
    "id": "13860428",
    "_id": "56495645ef7073b32a3b7660",
    "__v": 0,
    "current_price": {
      "value": 68.67,
      "currency_code": "USD"

Note: All APIs are versioned and support accept-version: 1.0.0 header value or v1 in the path (eg: GET /products/v1/{productId}), but only version 1 is supported.


These instructions are for OS X, steps for installing on UNIX should be similar. Windows installations steps not provided.

myRetail requires NodeJS version 4.1.X or higher and MongoDB 3.x to be installed.

To install NodeJS I recommend using NVM - the Node Version Manager.

To install MongoDB I recommend using HomeBrew. Please follow the instructions at MongoDB.org

Running the Service

From the project root

  1. Install the dependencies npm install

  2. Create location for Mongo to store data files mkdir db

  3. Start MongoDB mongod --dbpath ./db

  4. Start the Service node app.js

To run the tests, you'll need to install Mocha

npm install mocha -g

then run tests from project root by entering


If you wish to generate test coverage reports

npm install istanbul -g

then run tests with the following command

istanbul cover _mocha -R

(the reports will be in {project_root}/coverage/lcov-report/index.html)