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class: center, middle

Artificial Intelligence

Decision Making for Games

Gerard Escudero, 2020

:scale 30%


class: left, middle, inverse


  • .cyan[Introduction]

  • Finite State Machines

  • Decision Trees

  • Behaviour Trees

  • Planning Systems

  • References

GameAI: the Model

.center[:scale 80%]

.footnote[.red[(Millington, 2019)]]

Decision Making

.cols5050[ .col1[

  • .blue[Input]: World Knowledge

  • .blue[Output]: Action

  • .blue[Important rule]:
    Decision Making should NOT execute every frame!

  • Main algorithms:

    • Finite State Machines
    • Behaviour Trees
    • Goal Oriented Action Planning

:scale 115% .small[GOAP] ] .col2[ :scale 60%

:scale 80%
.small[BT] ]]

class: left, middle, inverse


  • .brown[Introduction]

  • .cyan[Finite State Machines]

    • .cyan[Code (delegates)]

    • Visual Scripting

    • Hierarchical FSM

  • Decision Trees

  • Behaviour Trees

  • Planning Systems

  • References

C# coroutines


using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class WaitForSecondsExample : MonoBehaviour {
    void Start() {
    IEnumerator Example() {
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(5);
  • StartCoroutine: type of asynchronous "functions"

  • IEnumerator: returning type

  • yield: stops execution until something happens

C# delegates

assigning functions to variables


public class DelegateScript : MonoBehaviour {
    delegate void MyDelegate(int num);
    MyDelegate myDelegate;
    void Start () {
        myDelegate = PrintNum;
        myDelegate = DoubleNum;
    void PrintNum(int num) {
    void DoubleNum(int num) {
        Debug.Log(num * 2);

FSMs in Unity


.center[:scale 60%]

.blue[Task]: FSM for the robber:

.center[:scale 60%]

FSM with coroutines & delegates

.blue[Code template]:

public class FSM : MonoBehaviour
    private WaitForSeconds wait = new WaitForSeconds(0.05f);   // 1 / 20
    delegate IEnumerator State();
    private State state;

    IEnumerator Start()
        state = Wander;
        while (enabled)
            yield return StartCoroutine(state());

    IEnumerator Wander()
        Debug.Log("Wander state");


  1. Coroutine that executes 20 times per second and goes forever

  2. Explicit every state change with Debub.Log

  3. First behaviour is slowly .blue[wander]

  4. When the cop walks away from the treasure he has to .blue[approach] quickly to steal it

  5. If the cop comes back he returns to .blue[wander] slowly and so on

  6. If the robbery is successful (the treasure must disappear), he begins to permanently .blue[hide] in the obstacle closest to the cop

.blue[solution]: view.red[*] / download


.footnote[.red[*] made with .red[hightlighting]]

class: left, middle, inverse


  • .brown[Introduction]

  • .cyan[Finite State Machines]

    • .brown[Code (delegates)]

    • .cyan[Visual Scripting]

    • Hierarchical FSM

  • Decision Trees

  • Behaviour Trees

  • Planning Systems

  • References

Visual Scripting

:scale 105%

  • Visual editors helps handling complex behaviours

  • Separates coders from game designers

  • Many options:

    • CryEngine’s flowgraph
    • Unreal Kismet / Blueprint
    • Unity PlayMaker
    • ...

:scale 95%

FSM with Unity's Animator

:scale 90%

.footnote[.red[*] made with .red[hightlighting]]

class: left, middle, inverse


  • .brown[Introduction]

  • .cyan[Finite State Machines]

    • .brown[Code (delegates)]

    • .brown[Visual Scripting]

    • .cyan[Hierarchical FSM]

  • Decision Trees

  • Behaviour Trees

  • Planning Systems

  • References

Hierarchical FSM

.blue[Complex Behaviours]:

:scale 80%


HFSM in NodeCanvas

:scale 50%

:scale 80%

class: left, middle, inverse


  • .brown[Introduction]

  • .brown[Finite State Machines]

  • .cyan[Decision Trees]

  • Behaviour Trees

  • Planning Systems

  • References

:scale 90%


FSM vs DTs

  • FSM: .blue[States] (with Actions) & .blue[Transitions] (with conditions)

  • DTs: .blue[Conditions] (tree nodes) & .blue[Actions] (leafs).

  • It has no notion of state; we have to go through the whole tree every time we run it.

  • How could we use decision trees in games?

    • NPCs Dialogs
    • Bosses that switch state every % HP
    • … ?
  • Decision trees can be generated automatically.
    We will see this in the topic of machine learning.

NodeCanvas Example

:scale 90%

class: left, middle, inverse


  • .brown[Introduction]

  • .brown[Finite State Machines]

  • .brown[Decision Trees]

  • .cyan[Behaviour Trees]

    • .cyan[Design]

    • NodeCanvas

    • Behaviour Bricks

  • Planning Systems

  • References

Behaviour Trees

.cols5050[ .col1[

  • Sort of visual programming for AI behaviour (Isla, 2005)

    • Reusability & modularity
    • Major engines: unreal, cryengine, unity
  • Behavior Tree combine both:

    • Decision trees: execute all at once
    • State machines: current state implicit
    • the execution stays in one of the nodes
  • .blue[Designing Trees is a hard task!]
    Reference: Behavior trees for AI: How they work] .col2[ :scale 70% ]]

Node Types I


  • All should return Running, Success or Failure
  • They can take a while!
  • Most of the time they will be leaf nodes

:scale 90%


  • All should return True or False
  • Conditions normally refer to the blackboard for questioning the world state

:scale 90%

Node Types II


  • All should return True or False
  • They iterate all childs from left to right in a specific fashion:
    1. .blue[Sequence] (AND): A node that executes all its children until one fails
    2. .blue[Selector] (OR): A node that executes all its children until one succeeds
    3. .blue[Parallel] (Concurrent AND): Execute all its children at the same time until one fails
    4. .blue[Random Sequence or Selector] (with %?): Same as sequence or selector but randomly
    5. .blue[Priority Sequence or Selector] (with %#): Same as sequence or selector but follow a mutable priority

:scale 80%

Node Types III


  • All should return Running, Success or Failure
  • Add enormous flexibility and power to the tree execution flow
  • They modify one specific child in some fashion:
    1. .blue[Inverter] (NOT): invert the result of the child node
    2. .blue[Repeater] (until fail, N or infinite): basically repeat the child node until fail or N times
    3. .blue[Wait until] (seconds, condition, etc.): basically a generic delay

:scale 90%

Examples I

.center[:scale 80%]

.footnote[Behavior trees for AI: How they work]


.center[:scale 80%]

Examples II

.center[:scale 80%]

.footnote[Behavior trees for AI: How they work]

What about the Robber?

class: left, middle, inverse


  • .brown[Introduction]

  • .brown[Finite State Machines]

  • .brown[Decision Trees]

  • .cyan[Behaviour Trees]

    • .brown[Design]

    • .cyan[NodeCanvas]

    • Behaviour Bricks

  • Planning Systems

  • References


  • Add Component - Behaviour Tree Owner (handout)

:scale 80%

Nested Behaviour Trees I

:scale 95%

Nested Behaviour Trees II

:scale 95%

Nested FSM in BT I

:scale 95%

Nested FSM in BT II

:scale 75%

:scale 85%

.footnote[.blue[Need of Success and/or Failure States]]

class: left, middle, inverse


  • .brown[Introduction]

  • .brown[Finite State Machines]

  • .brown[Decision Trees]

  • .cyan[Behaviour Trees]

    • .brown[Design]

    • .brown[NodeCanvas]

    • .cyan[Behaviour Bricks]

  • Planning Systems

  • References

.blue[ToSteal] behaviour tree:

.cols5050[ .col1[ .blue[Starting]:

  • Handout
  • Editor:
    Window - Behavior Bricks - Editor
  • Robber:
    Add Component - Behavior executor component

.blue[BlackBoard / properties]:

  • MoveToRandomPosition: Floor
  • MoveToGameObject: Treasure


Behaviour Bricks II

.blue[ToSteal] behaviour tree:

:scale 95%

Behaviour Bricks III

.blue[ToSteal] behaviour tree:

.blue[BlackBoard / properties]:

  • IsTargetClose: Treasure, 2
  • ToSteal: Floor, Treasure
  • SetActive: false, Tresure
  • MoveToPosition: hide


class: left, middle, inverse


  • .brown[Introduction]

  • .brown[Finite State Machines]

  • .brown[Decision Trees]

  • .brown[Behaviour Trees]

  • .cyan[Planning Systems]

    • .cyan[Goal Oriented Behaviour]

    • Goal Oriented Action Planning

    • AI Planner

  • References

AI Paradigms

Reactive AI:

  • How to achieve goals $\rightarrow$ AI

  • Exs: FSM, DT, BT

Deliberative AI:

  • World behaviour $+$ goals $\rightarrow$ AI

  • AI decides how to achieve its goals

  • Ex: Planners

Games using dynamic planning:

  • FEAR, Fallout 3, Total War, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Shadow of Mordor, Tomb Raider

Goal Oriented Behaviour


  • each agent can have many active, and they could change

  • try to fulfill its goals or reduce its .blue[insistence] (importance or priority as a number)

  • examples: eat, drink, kill enemy, regenerate health, etc.


  • atomic behaviours that fulfill a requirement

  • combination of positive and negative effects
    Ex: “play game console” increases happiness but decreases energy

  • environment can generate or activate new available actions (.blue[smart objects])

.footnote[.red[(Millington, 2019)]]

GOB: Simple Selection

People simulation example:

Goal: Eat = 4 
Goal: Sleep = 3
Action: Get-Raw-Food (Eat − 3)
Action: Get-Snack (Eat − 2)
Action: Sleep-In-Bed (Sleep − 4)
Action: Sleep-On-Sofa (Sleep − 2)
  • .blue[heuristic] needed: most pressing goal, random...

  • .blue[$+$] fast, simple

  • .blue[$-$] side effects, no timing information

.footnote[.red[(Millington, 2019)]]


Goal: Eat = 4 
Goal: Bathroom = 3
Action: Drink-Soda (Eat − 2; Bathroom + 3)
Action: Visit-Bathroom (Bathroom − 4)

GOB: Discontent

It is an energy metric to minimize:

  • Sum of insistence values of all goals

  • Sum of square values: it accentuates high values


Goal: Eat = 4 
Goal: Bathroom = 3
Action: Drink-Soda (Eat − 2; Bathroom + 2)
    after: Eat = 2, Bathroom = 5: Discontentment = 29
Action: Visit-Bathroom (Bathroom − 4)
    after: Eat = 4, Bathroom = 0: Discontentment = 16
Solution: Visit-Bathroom

.footnote[.red[(Millington, 2019)]]

GOB: Timing

Example with time

Goal: Eat = 4 changing at + 4 per hour
Goal: Bathroom = 3 changing at + 2 per hour
Action: Eat-Snack (Eat − 2) 15 minutes
    after: Eat = 2, Bathroom = 3.5: Discontentment = 16.25
Action: Eat-Main-Meal (Eat − 4) 1 hour
    after: Eat = 0, Bathroom = 5: Discontentment = 25
Action: Visit-Bathroom (Bathroom − 4) 15 minutes
    after: Eat = 5, Bathroom = 0: Discontentment = 25
Solution: Eat-Snack

.footnote[.red[(Millington, 2019)]]

GOB Design

Goal: Eat = 4 changing at + 4 per hour
Goal: Bathroom = 3 changing at + 2 per hour
Action: Eat-Snack (Eat − 2) 15 minutes
Action: Eat-Main-Meal (Eat − 4) 1 hour
Action: Visit-Bathroom (Bathroom − 4) 15 minutes

:scale 90%

class: left, middle, inverse


  • .brown[Introduction]

  • .brown[Finite State Machines]

  • .brown[Decision Trees]

  • .brown[Behaviour Trees]

  • .cyan[Planning Systems]

    • .brown[Goal Oriented Behaviour]

    • .cyan[Goal Oriented Action Planning]

    • AI Planner

  • References

The need for planning


  • Mage character
    • 5 charges in its wand
    • need for healing
    • an ogre approaching him aggressively
  • plan
Goal: Heal = 4
Goal: Kill-Ogre = 3
Action: Fireball (Kill-Ogre − 2) 3 charges
Action: Lesser-Healing (Heal − 2) 2 charges
Action: Greater-Healing (Heal − 4) 3 charges
Best combination: Lesser-Healing + Fireball
GOB solution: Greate-Healing

.blue[GOB is limited in its prediction, the situation needs to go some steps ahead!]

.footnote[.red[(Millington, 2019)]]

Goal Oriented Action Planning

Chaining actions

  • .blue[preconditions] for chaining actions

  • .blue[states] for satisfying preconditions

  • .blue[search algorithm] for selecting "best" branches
    (each goal is the root of a tree)


  • .blue[BFS]
    increasing the number of actions and goals it becomes quickly inefficient

  • .blue[A*]
    perhaps distance heuristic cannot be formulated

  • .blue[Dijkstra]: usual solution

GOAP Design

Goal: Heal = 4
Goal: Kill-Ogre = 3
Action: Fireball (Kill-Ogre − 2) 3 charges
Action: Lesser-Healing (Heal − 2) 2 charges
Action: Greater-Healing (Heal − 4) 3 charges

Google Canvas Template

:scale 85%

GOAP: Time

:scale 90%

Robber behaviour

.blue[First approach]:

:scale 110%

class: left, middle, inverse


  • .brown[Introduction]

  • .brown[Finite State Machines]

  • .brown[Decision Trees]

  • .brown[Behaviour Trees]

  • .cyan[Planning Systems]

    • .brown[Goal Oriented Behaviour]

    • .brown[Goal Oriented Action Planning]

    • .cyan[AI Planner]

  • References

AI Planner

The AI Planner package can generate optimal plans for use in agent AI

:scale 80%

  • .red[Reference]

  • it contains a plan visualizer

Robber: Traits

.cols5050[ .col1[


  • Create - AI - Trait
  • fundamental data (game state)
  • quality of objects (components)
  • contains attributes


  • .blue[Valuable] (Treasure)
  • .blue[Cop]:
    farAway (false)
  • .blue[Robber]:
    ready2steal (false) stolen (false)


  • for .blue[Enum Definition] in traits ] .col2[


Robber: Actions I

.cols5050[ .col1[


  • Create - AI - Planner - Action Definition
  • planner potential decisions
  • executes nothing
  • Properties:
    name, parameters,
    preconditions, effects,
    cost / reward



  • parameters: cop, robber, treasure
  • effects: farAway = true ] .col2[ :scale 80% ]]

Robber: Actions II

.cols5050[ .col1[



  • parameters: cop, robber, treasure
  • precondition: farAway == true
  • effect: ready2steal = true


  • parameters: robber, treasure
  • precondition: ready2steal == true
  • effect: stolen = true,
    treasure removed ] .col2[ :scale 90% ]]

Robber: Plan

.cols5050[ .col1[


Create - AI - Planner - Plan Definition

:scale 90% ] .col2[

Termination criteria

Create - AI - Planner - State Termination Definition

:scale 90% ]]

Robber: Configuring the Scene

.cols5050[ .col1[

  1. Add Component - TraitComponent to the GameObjects

  2. Add Component - DecisionController
    to the AI agent GameObject

  • Add the plan definition

  • Add the world objects
    with traits

  1. Create and link the callbacks...

] .col2[ :scale 90% ]]

Robber: Action Callbacks

.cols5050[ .col1[

  • ActionDefinitions components are .blue[not] applied to the scene

  • It is the Action Callbacks goal

  • .blue[Coroutine] is the choice for actions that execute over multiple frames


] .col2[ :scale 90% ]]

.footnote[.red[*] made with .red[hightlighting]]

AI Planner: Debugging

  • Window - AI - Plan Visualizer

.center[:scale 70%]

AI Planner: Advanced Usage I

Example: .blue[Non linear behaviour of Robber]

Getting access to the traits in scripts

  1. Go to Assets - Planner - Traits

  2. Create - Assembly Definition

  3. Inspector - Version Defines - Resource - generated.ai.planner.staterepresentation

Changing Actions from Inspector

  • Approach: Cost/Reward: -1

  • Steal: Cost/Reward: 5

  • Wander: Cost/Reward: -2

AI Planner: Advanced Usage II

.cols5050[ .col1[

Changing Decision Controller of Robber

  • Approach:
    Method - roberGO
    Next State Update

C# code

The result

.footnote[.red[*] made with .red[hightlighting]]

class: left, middle, inverse


  • .brown[Introduction]

  • .brown[Finite State Machines]

  • .brown[Decision Trees]

  • .brown[Behaviour Trees]

  • .brown[Planning Systems]

  • .cyan[References]
