Terraform Core Infrastrucute

This project drives the core infrastructure that underpins our services.

  • Subnets
  • Keyvaults
  • Jenkins Linux VM
  • Jenkins Windows VM
  • Rabbit Production VM
  • Rabbit Development VM
  • Automation VM
  • Agents Vm

1. IAAS VM's

  • The DevOps VM's will be deployed into the management Resource Group
  • The deployments of Linux VM's will be used for Jenkins, Rabbit and the Risk app store.
  • After VM deployments Boot diagnostics will be enabled and VM extensions will be installed.
  • VM's will be linked to Data object "pre-deployed backend services"

2. Prerequisite for Azure Core Infra VM's

  • Desired Resource Group should be in place
  • Virtual network should be configured
  • Subnet for VM's should be configured
  • Network Security Group should be configured
  • Shared Storage account for all diagnostics services should be in place

3. Variables

Octopus Variable Variable Name Variable Description Hard Coded (tfvars)
ResourceGroupName resource_group_name This specifies the name of the resource group.
DeploymentLocation deployment_location The Azure region the vm will be deployed to.
Hostname hostname The name of the VM.
NetworkSecurityGroup network_security_group The network security group used for vm.
VirtualNetworkName virtual_network_name This specifies name of virtual network where VM's will be configured.
AddressSpace address_space The address space that is used by the virtual network. You can supply more than one address space. Changing this forces a new resource to be created
SubnetID subnet_id The Name for the subnet
StorageTier storage_account_tier Defines the storage tier. Valid options are Standard and Premium.
VmSize vm_size Specifies the size of the virtual machine.
ImagePublisher image_publisher Name of the publisher of the image (az vm image list "Canonical").
ImageOffer image_offer Name of the offer (UbuntuServer).
ImageSku image_sku Image SKU to apply (18.04-LTS).
ImageVersion image_version Image version to apply (latest).
BootDiagnostics boot_diagnostics TEnable or Disable boot diagnostics.
BootDiagnosticsStorageAccountType boot_diagnostics_sa_type Storage account type for boot diagnostics (LRS / GRS / ZRS).
DiagnosticsRG diagnostics_resource_group Specifies the Resource group for diagnostics.
DiagnosticsStorage diagnostics_storage storage account used for diagnostics.
AdminUsername admin_username The local Admin username.
AdminPassword admin_pw The local Admin Password.
TagDeploymentSource tag_source_deployment Source of the deployment.
EnvironmentDeploy tag_environment_deployment Environment of the deployment

3.1. Octopus Deploy

Please ensure the following vars are catered for in Octopus:

  # General locals
  tag_source_deployment = "#{SourceDeploymentTag}" 
  tag_environment_deployment = "#{EnvironmentDeploymentTag}"

  # subnet locals
  subnet_resource_group_name = "#{SubnetRGName}" 
  subnet_name = "#{SubnetName}" 
  subnet_virtual_network_name = "#{VNetName}" 
  address_prefix = "#{SubnetCIDR}" 

  # Key Vault locals
  deployment_rg = "#{DeploymentRGName}" 
  key_vault_name = "#{KeyVaultName}" 
  key_vault_tenant_id = "#{KeyVaultTenantId}" 
  key_vault_sku_name = "#{KeyVaultSKU}" 

  # Key Vault Access Policy locals
  key_vault_access_policy_object_id = "#{KeyVaultAccessPolicyObjectId}" 

Octopus Deploy does a replace of these placeholders per environment.

Octopus Deploy also manages the Access Key for the Azure Blob Storage backend for the Terraform project. The Jenkinsfile has a step that replaces a placeholder in the main.tf file with the key.

terraform {
  backend "azurerm" {
    resource_group_name  = "SAN-CIBRiskTech-DevOps"
    storage_account_name = "sasandosta001"
    container_name       = "sasanpdstc001"
    key                  = "base-infra.terraform.tfstate"


  terraform {
  backend "azurerm" {
    resource_group_name  = "SAN-CIBRiskTech-DevOps"
    storage_account_name = "sasandosta001"
    container_name       = "sasanpdstc001"
    key                  = "base-infra.terraform.tfstate"
    access_key			     ="#{AccessKey}"

and Octopus injects the Storage Account Access key into the slug provided.

4. Outputs

Output Name Description
VM_id Reference to a VM with which this NIC has been associated.

5. Gotchas

DuringAt the time of testing the VMAccessAgent extension deployment on a Windows Server VM, it came to light that the latest version (in some regions) has issues when the CMD gets executed inside the VM. Work around is to set "auto_upgrade_minor_version = false" and to set "type_handler_version = 2.3"