
Convenient fastapi template with alembic and sqlalchemy

Primary LanguagePython

Project Description

This project is a template FastAPI application that provides a starting point for building web applications using the FastAPI framework. It follows a structured organization with modular components to promote scalability, maintainability, and code reusability.

The application's backend is implemented using Python and consists of various modules and directories. The backend directory contains the main codebase, including modules for users, API routes, core components, models, securities, services, and utilities. The user module handles user-related functionality, such as user account management and authentication.

The project leverages Docker for containerization, allowing for easy deployment and scalability. The Dockerfile provided in the project facilitates the creation of a Docker image for the application.

The project also includes a configuration directory (config) with configuration files for different environments (development, production, staging). This enables easy management of application settings based on the deployment environment.

Database migrations are supported using Alembic, a database migration tool. The migrations directory contains the migration files, enabling easy versioning and management of the database schema.

The project provides a comprehensive test suite, with the tests directory containing modules for testing different components of the application. This ensures the reliability and correctness of the implemented functionality.

Overall, this FastAPI template application serves as a foundation for developing robust web applications, following best practices and promoting efficient development workflows. It offers a structured organization, containerization support, configuration management, database migration capabilities, and a test suite, facilitating the development process and ensuring the quality of the resulting application.

Note: This description is a general overview of the project's purpose and structure, tailored specifically for a GitHub repository.

Project Structure

  • .dockerignore: A file that contains a list of files and directories to be ignored during Docker image building.
  • .env: A file that holds environment variables.
  • .env.example: An example file for environment variables.
  • .gitignore: A file that specifies files and directories to be ignored by Git when tracking changes.
  • Dockerfile: A file used to build the Docker image of the application.
  • README.md: A file that provides a description of the project.
  • alembic.ini: The Alembic configuration file, used for managing database migrations.
  • backend/: The directory containing the main backend code and components.
    • __init__.py: An initialization file for the backend module.
    • user/: The module directory for user-related functionality.
      • __init__.py: An initialization file for the user module.
      • api/: The API module directory for users.
        • __init__.py: An initialization file for the api module.
        • routes/: The routes module directory for the user API.
          • __init__.py: An initialization file for the routes module.
          • account.py: A module containing request handlers related to user accounts.
          • authentication.py: A module containing request handlers related to user authentication.
      • core/: The core components directory for the user module.
        • __init__.py: An initialization file for the core module.
        • account.py: A module containing the logic for working with user accounts.
        • session.py: A module containing the logic for working with user sessions.
      • main.py: The main application module.
      • models/: The directory for user-related database models.
        • __init__.py: An initialization file for the models module.
        • db/: The directory for database models.
          • __init__.py: An initialization file for the db module.
          • account.py: A module containing the database model for user accounts.
        • schemas/: The directory for user data schemas.
          • __init__.py: An initialization file for the schemas module.
          • account.py: A module containing the data schema for user accounts.
      • securities/: The directory for user security components.
        • __init__.py: An initialization file for the securities module.
        • hashing.py: A module containing hashing functions.
        • security.py: A module containing security components.
      • services/: The directory for user services.
        • __init__.py: An initialization file for the services module.
        • account.py: A module containing services for working with user accounts.
      • utils/: The directory for user utilities.
        • __init__.py: An initialization file for the utils module.
  • common/: The directory for common components and utilities.
    • __init__.py: An initialization file for the common module.
  • config/: The directory for project configuration files.
    • __init__.py: An initialization file for the config module.
    • base.py: The base configuration file.
    • development.py: The configuration file for development.
    • environment.py: The file defining the project environment.
    • manager.py: The configuration manager.
    • production.py: The configuration file for production environment.
    • staging.py: The configuration file for staging environment.
  • docker-compose.yml: The Docker Compose configuration file used for deploying containerized services.
  • migrations/: The directory for database migration files.
    • README: A file containing a description of the migrations.
    • env.py: The migration environment configuration file.
    • script.py.mako: The migration script template.
    • versions/: The directory for migration versions.
      • 35a5685cbd77_new.py: A migration file for creating the user table.
  • requirements.txt: The file containing project dependencies.
  • scripts/: The directory for project scripts.
    • __init__.py: An initialization file for the scripts module.
  • tests/: The directory for test modules.
    • __init__.py: An initialization file for the tests module

Project Installation

Follow these instructions to install and configure the project.


Make sure you have the following tools installed:

  • Python 3
  • Docker

Installation Steps

  1. Clone the project repository:

    git clone https://github.com/gecsagen/good_fastapi_template.git
    cd good_fastapi_template
  2. Create a virtual environment and activate it:

    python3 -m venv venv
    source venv/bin/activate
  3. Install the project dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Configure the .env file. Open the .env file and set the following environment variables:


    Replace <db_user>, <db_password>, <db_server>, <db_port>, <db_name>, and <db_schema> with the appropriate values.

  5. Start the Docker containers using the command:

    docker-compose -f docker-compose-local.yaml up -d
  6. Create migrations using the command:

    alembic revision --autogenerate -m "comment"

    Replace "comment" with a comment describing the migration.

  7. Apply the migrations using the command:

    alembic upgrade heads
  8. Run the project using the command:

    python3 -m uvicorn backend.user.main:app --port 8000 --reload

    Your project is now running and accessible at http://localhost:8000.

Please note that these instructions assume the use of a Unix-like operating system such as Linux or macOS. If you are using Windows, some commands or steps may differ.


Contributions to this FastAPI template application are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue or submit a pull request.

Before contributing, please review the contributing guidelines for more information.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.



For any questions or inquiries, please contact [geksbomba@gmail.com]

Feel free to explore the codebase and customize it to suit your project requirements. Happy coding!

Note: This project is based on the code and concepts from the following repositories:

I have used their code as a reference and inspiration to implement my own FastAPI template. I would like to acknowledge and express my gratitude to the authors and contributors of these projects for their valuable work.