
阅读3.0 web端 源编辑器

Primary LanguageJavaScript

移动到 https://github.com/gedoor/legado/tree/master/modules/web




如果你想要调试项目 请修改文件.env.developmentVITE_API为阅读web服务ip

This project is web front of legado web service.

if you want to Edit Source, check #40 (comment)

Before you running project, please change environment variable VITE_API to legado web service origin


https://localhost:8080/rssSource 订阅源编辑 rss editor

https://localhost:8080/bookSource 书源编辑 bookSource editor

🎨Project setup

pnpm i

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

# change `VITE_API` to legado web service origin
echo "VITE_API=" > .env.development
pnpm run dev

Compiles and minifies for production

pnpm run build

Lints and fixes files

pnpm run lint:fix