
The Be My Eyes iOS server – lend your eyes to the blind

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

BeMyEyes Server

###This is the server side of Be My Eyes
Whenever the iOs app makes a request it calls this API.

Code Climate Stories in Ready

##Getting started
You can either use vagrant to run the site - this is the prefered way
Or you can run the server locally.

##Configuration Copy config.yml to the config folder
Use the config.temp.yml as a template

##Use vagrant
Install VirtualBox
Install Vagrant
run 'vagrant up' in the root directory

The setup will take some time, since it sets up the entire server.

When the server is installed log in 'vagrant ssh'

Set up a user with the username and password configured in config.yml
start mongo: 'mongo bemyeyes'

db.addUser( { user: "bemyeyes",
pwd: "myPassword",
roles: [ "readWrite", "dbAdmin" ] } )

Please note to provison the server we have created a script, which can also be used as a template for a server:

##Start the server locally
ruby -S rackup -w config.ru

##Authentication All interactions with the server demands HTTP Basic AUTH - the username password can be found in the config file under the "authentication" section.

##Run tests

There is two parts to testing, in the root of the project:

  1. 'rspec will simply run unit tests and tests against the db.
  2. 'rspec rest-spec' will run tests against the rest api.

At the moment the tests are hardcoded to test against localhost:9001 which is the website exposed by the vagrant server.

##Model alt text


We are using Waffle to manage Github issues. It has two-way sync by adding and removing tags like:

  • Ready – Done discussing, do!
  • In progress – Someone is working on this one

You can see priorities on Waffle – top = first. Admins of this repo can make the changes.