
DLL load failed while importing _imaging

drdebivre opened this issue · 5 comments


I just installed geemap in a Conda environment using

conda install geemap -c conda-forge

Now when I import geemap in a Jupyter Notebook I get the error:
DLL load failed while importing _imaging: The specified module could not be found.

Full output:

Solved after installing geopandas in the same conda environment.

Solved after installing geopandas in the same conda environment.

I met the same error. Can you describe detailed about which conda environment? Is gee env?

In my experience I needed to have both geemap and geopandas installed in the conda environment that I would use to run my code. It is not important how you name the conda environment.
So in case you want to create a conda environment called gee_env, with both these packages, you should run this in your Anaconda Prompt:

conda create --name gee_env
conda activate gee_env
conda install -c conda-forge geemap
conda install -c conda-forge geopandas

In my experience I needed to have both geemap and geopandas installed in the conda environment that I would use to run my code. It is not important how you name the conda environment. So in case you want to create a conda environment called gee_env, with both these packages, you should run this in your Anaconda Prompt:

conda create --name gee_env
conda activate gee_env
conda install -c conda-forge geemap
conda install -c conda-forge geopandas

Thanks for your reply! I follow this tutorial: Install from conda-forge. The steps like below:

conda create -n gee python=3.10  
conda activate gee  
conda install -n base mamba -c conda-forge  
mamba install geemap -c conda-forge  
mamba geopandas localtileserver -c conda-forge

Then when I launched jupyter notebook, I received the same error message like yours. My jupyter notebook kernel display "Python3 (ipykernel)"

I remove the current gee env and repeat install it. But I met the same error. When I want to fix it, it run successfully. Puzzling!