

zwy1502 opened this issue · 1 comments

          `download_ee_image()` is wrapper for the [geediim]( package. It is most suitable for download original image rather than computation results. The more complicated your workflow, the less likely `download_ee_image` will work. For long-running computational results, you should use `ee_export_image_to_drive`.

Originally posted by @giswqs in #1882 (comment)

Teacher Wu, my analysis is for seven African countries, which will definitely involve large-scale image processing and analysis. The reason why I want to export the image is because when I reach a certain step, gee pops up a timeout prompt. I have listened to your course. According to the suggestions in your course, I want to download it locally or upload it to the asset for further analysis to avoid timeout problems. However, it takes a long time to download to the local drive and upload to the asset. It takes a long time. Hours or even more than ten hours, I would like to ask the first question. In this case, do I have to choose to export to drive and wait for a long time without any other solution? Looking forward to the teacher's reply, I am your loyal fan.