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WooCommerce CoinGate Plugin

CoinGate bitcoin payment gateway WooCommerce plugin.


Sign up for CoinGate account at https://coingate.com for production and https://sandbox.coingate.com for testing (sandbox) environment.

  1. Go to Admin » Plugins » Add New in admin panel.

  2. Enter coingate woocommerce in search box.

  3. Click Install Now.

  4. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress.

  5. Enter API Credentials (App ID, Api Key, Api Secret) data to WooCommerce-Coingate Plugin Settings: Admin » WooCommerce click on Checkout tab find Bitcoin in Payment Gateways table and click Settings.

  6. Don't forget check Enable Bitcoin payment via CoinGate checkbox in WooCommerce-Coingate Plugin settings.

via WooCommerce FTP Uploader

  1. Download woocommerce-coingate-1.0.7.zip.

  2. Go to Admin » Plugins » Add New in admin panel.

  3. Upload woocommerce-coingate-1.0.7.zip in Upload Plugin

  4. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress.

  5. Enter API Credentials (App ID, Api Key, Api Secret) data to WooCommerce-Coingate Plugin Settings: Admin » WooCommerce click on Checkout tab find Bitcoin in Payment Gateways table and click Settings.

  6. Don't forget check Enable Bitcoin payment via CoinGate checkbox in WooCommerce-Coingate Plugin settings.

via FTP

  1. Download woocommerce-coingate-1.0.7.zip.

  2. Unzip and upload woocommerce-coingate/ directory to /wp-content/plugins/ through FTP.

  3. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress.

  4. Enter API Credentials (App ID, Api Key, Api Secret) data to WooCommerce-Coingate Plugin Settings: Admin » WooCommerce click on Checkout tab find Bitcoin in Payment Gateways table and click Settings.

  5. Don't forget check Enable Bitcoin payment via CoinGate checkbox in WooCommerce-Coingate Plugin settings.