
Home automation with python, cgi, and xPL

Primary LanguagePython

Michael Goldberger - March 2009
v 0.1

Python, Perl, JavaScript, and SVG Home Automation Control & Display Setup

    Inside the "apache" folder there is...
        An SVG document, "htdocs/apt.svg".
            This file contains the floorplan diagram.
            This file also contains the JavaScript functions for creating the badges, the AJAX request functions, and some other goodies.

        A Python CGI file, "cgi-bin/acceptJSON.cgi".
            This file accepts input from the Python hardware abstraction and outputs (in JSON format) the sensor ID and status to the SVG document.

    The "htdocs/*" files should go inside the apache DocumentRoot folder (currently hardcoded to "C:\Apache2\htdocs" in the "xPL/xplpython.py" file)

    The "cgi-bin/*" files should go inside an Apache ScriptAlias tag (usually one level above htdocs, and the folder is called cgi-bin).

    In order to allow the SVG document to receive update notices from the hardware sensors, the USB->COM port driver has to be installed.
        NB: see the setups folder for more info


    Once the files are all setup as described above, start the Perl xPL hub which bridges all of the xPL network segments and receives xPL messages.

    And, start the Python xPL/JSON Bridge.

    At this point, the Perl stdout device should be showing the Python script's connection, 
    and the Python stdout device should be showing the status messages of the sensors for which it is receiving data.

    If you navigate to http://<host>/apt.svg and manually activate the sensor, within 5 seconds (changable in main.js),
    the Status badge for the javascript ID assigned to the device with a correspoinding hex ID, it will
    change to GREEN, for when the sensor is ready to be armed,
    and RED when it is in ALERT status (also meaning that the zone to which this sensor belongs cannot be armed)