
:bookmark: A TODO app built with Cordova and Backbone. Boilerplate project.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A TODO app built upon HTML5 with cordova.

Finished all the work in one day and a half haha! Detailed instructions and documents will come later.

Also note that the app is still under development. This time released was a minimum viable product, still with some bugs to cover.

The project was originally intended for applying for the internship of Teambition. Since I do need a cross-platform TODO app and am also not sure if I will be admitted to Teambition(QAQ)... I might keep working on it. Hope the app will be much robuster but as simplified at that time!

####Sept.14 update The app will not be updated or modified (Since I got the internship). And since the code is very simple, it is suitable for beginners to learn the backbone MVVM or the Cordova platform.

###Here are some screenshots.

enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here