
classify text by rnn/lstm, based on TensorFlow r1.0

Primary LanguagePython


本项目构建了基于RNN/LSTM模型的文本分类器,基于TensorFlow r1.0版本。

This project constructs a text classifier based on RNN/LSTM model, based on TensorFlow r1.0.


This project currently supports the BASIC-RNN, GRU, LSTM, and BN-LSTM models.

本项目基于字符,即采用了character embedding的方法,故不需要分词。因此,语料用于生成字符索引,只需要包含所有用到的字符即可。

This project, which uses the method of character embedding, is based on characters, so word segmentation is not necessary. Thus, the corpus, which only needs to contain all the characters used, is used to generate the character index.


This project is mainly for Chinese text. If it is applied directly to other languages, such as English, while not modifying the code, it is still character-based (ie, a single letter, punctuation, etc.). If you want to turn it into word-based (ie, English words, Chinese Words, etc.), you need to add the code about word segmentation, and modify the corresponding code, such as function TextLoader/transform and function TextLoader/preprocess in file utils.py and so on.


  • 命令行,运行train.py训练模型,运行test.py测试模型,所需参数用help查看。
  • 运行run.py文件,自行修改各项参数


  • model.py: 根据给定的参数、用tensorflow构建分类模型
  • lstm_bn.py: 根据论文Recurrent Batch Normalization构建Batch Normalization的LSTM的Cell单元
  • train.py: 模型的训练
  • test.py: 模型的测试,分为sample(预测单个例子)、predict(预测文件中的所有例子)、accuracy(预测文件中的所有例子并验证)
  • cross_validation.py: 十折交叉验证
  • utils.py: 辅助函数,主要用于得到训练/测试的批数据(batch data)
  • run.py: 训练、测试、交叉验证模型,用python运行命令行,可自行修改各项参数
  • data: 训练数据、测试数据、十折交叉验证数据,第一列为文本text,第二列为类label,可修改位置并修改run.py文件或命令行运行的参数
  • save: 保存模型训练的各项参数,可修改位置并修改run.py文件或命令行运行的参数
  • utils: 语料、label对照字典等,可修改位置并修改run.py文件或命令行运行的参数
    • corpus.txt: 语料,需要提前生成
    • labels.pkl: 类标号与数字的对照,字典形式{类标号:从0开始的数字},pickle形式,需要提前生成