
Some sample python scripts to get information about power devices from Studer Innotec API service.

Primary LanguagePython


Some sample python scripts to get information about power devices from Studer Innotec API service.

Probably the only script you need to get most of the information you will need, in a single API call is:


I've left the other scripts in the repo for reference.


*MODIFY creds.py file

*RUN python command


Get syntopic command

Retrieve a bunch of parameters in json format, with output similar to:

`% python3.10 py_api_syntopic.py

{'energy': {'hasSolar': True, 'solar': 6.51, 'yesterdaySolar': 6.02, 'solarUnit': 'kWh', 'hasInverter': True, 'gridGenset': 0.0, 'yesterdayGridGenset': 0.0, 'gridGensetUnit': 'kWh', 'load': 4.09, 'yesterdayLoad': 5.05, 'loadUnit': 'kWh', 'hasBatteryStatusProcessor': True, 'batteryCharge': 70.62, 'batteryChargeUnit': 'Ah', 'yesterdayBatteryCharge': 62.88, 'batteryDischarge': 40.12, 'batteryDischargeUnit': 'Ah', 'yesterdayBatteryDischarge': 65.56}, 'battery': {'power': -0.27, 'powerUnit': 'kW', 'voltage': 49.72, 'voltageUnit': 'V', 'current': -5.4, 'currentUnit': 'A', 'soc': 91.0, 'socUnit': '%', 'temperature': 20.3, 'temperatureUnit': '°C', 'temperatureUnitHtml': '°C', 'hasBatteryStatusProcessor': True}, 'power': {'hasSolar': True, 'solar': 0.0, 'solarUnit': 'kW', 'hasInverter': True, 'gridGenset': 0.0, 'gridGensetUnit': 'kW', 'load': 0.24, 'loadUnit': 'kW', 'hasBatteryStatusProcessor': True, 'battery': -0.27, 'batteryUnit': 'kW'}} `

General Get info command

Retrieve the value for the parameter specified as -i XXXX where XXXX is an property/info id

python3.10 get_info_id.py -i 7032

Return value: 89

Get battery SOC from XTM device Command

python3.10 py_api_bat_soc.py

Return value: 82.0

Get battery voltage from XTM device Command

python3.10 py_api_bat_volt.py

Return value: 49.59375


Studer-Innotec API Swagger Docs