
Python - Port Checker App

Primary LanguagePython

♨️ Information

  • 👋 Hi, I’m Alireza Hasanzadeh
  • 👀 I’m living in iran.
  • 🌱 I’m currently learning Advanced Python programming.
  • 💞️ ArchLinux User.
  • 📫 Contact me: @EnableRooT in Telegram.
  • ⚠️ Never forget report bugs !.

🔱 Port Checker:

  • This app can find open ports in range of number or one number. just say his your target ip!.

  • Working with Python v3

  • You also can use myip for ip to find your computer ip using Ipify API and use it.

  • Note: Ports checked with yougetsignal.com, you can see this site..

⚓️ Installition: