
Collection of Code to easily Create Kuberentes Clusters

Primary LanguageHCL


A collection of code to simplify and create many different types of Kuberentes clusters (AKS, EKS, GKE, Konvoy, etc...) as well as anything else helpful such as workload, charts, etc...

Each type will contain an example directory that will include working examples that can used and modified.

If Terraform Registry is being used, the code is written in this repository and is synced via gitsubmodule. It is messy but is done this way in order to keep all the code under a single organized repository instead of scattered.

Terraform Registry Repos

AKS Repo

EKS Repo

GKE Repo


NOTE: To be automated in the future.

  1. Please ensure to test changes. Ensure to include if breaking change etc in PR.

  2. Ensure to fmt your files.

terraform fmt
  1. When adding new variables, outputs, etc... ensure to include them in the README using terraform-docs.
terraform-docs markdown ./ > README.md

See the User Guide on formatting etc...

New Version for Terraform Registry

  1. Go to according repo that is synced to the Registry.

  2. Run the Makefile specifying the branch.

make update BRANCH=master
  1. Commit and merge the changes.

  2. Cut the new Release. Specify in version format 0.0.X with version in title and meaningful description.

  3. Go to the Registry and sync the changes.