
This repository contains instructions how to use the free IP Address API. The databases are: ASN database, Geolocation database, hosting ranges database.

MIT LicenseMIT

IP Address API

This IP address API returns useful meta-information for IP addresses. For example, the API response includes the organization of the IP address, ASN information and geolocation intelligence and WHOIS data.

Furthermore, the API response allows to derive security information for each IP address, for example whether an IP address belongs to a hosting provider (is_datacenter), is a TOR exit node (is_tor), if an IP address is a proxy (is_proxy) or VPN (is_vpn) or belongs to an abuser (is_abuser).

This API strongly emphasizes hosting detection. A complicated hosting detection algorithm was developed to achieve a high detection rate. Thousands of different hosting providers are tracked. Whois records, public hosting IP ranges from hosting providers and a proprietary hosting discovery algorithm are used to decide whether an IP address belongs to a hosting provider or not.


Lookup any IP address: https://api.ipapi.is/?q=

Lookup your own IP address: https://api.ipapi.is/

Usage with JavaScript:

  .then(res => res.json())
  .then(res => console.log(res));

Usage with curl:

curl 'https://api.ipapi.is/?q='

For a full documentation, please visit the documentation page.

Free IP Address Databases (ipapi.is)

This repository contains the free databases that are used by the commercial IP API https://ipapi.is

Please consider subscribing to a paid plan at https://ipapi.is/about.html to help the project.

  • Geolocation Database - Contains millions of rows that associate geolocation intelligence with IPv4 and IPv6 networks
  • ASN Database - This database includes rich meta data for all active ASN's of the Internet (Around 85.000 active ASN's)
  • Hosting IP Ranges Database - Contains IP addresses that belong to hosting providers or cloud services such as Amazon AWS or Microsoft Azure. Contains very small and niche hosting providers.

Geolocation Database

The database includes geolocation information for a large part of the IPv4 address space and a many IPv6 networks. The database is updated several times per week. The accuracy of the data is very good on the country level. It is not recommended to rely on geolocation intelligence to be accurate to the city level for critical applications.

The geolocation database is provided as large CSV file with the following header fields:

  • ipVersion - Either ipv4 or ipv6. Determines the IP type of the network. Example: "ipv4"
  • network - The IP network to which the geolocation information applies to. The format for the network is in free form and can be any network format (CIDR or inetnum / NetRange). Example: ""
  • continent - The continent as two letter code. Example: "NA"
  • country_code - The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code to which the IP address belongs. This is the country specific geolocation of the IP address. Example: "US"
  • country - The full name of the country. Example: "United States"
  • state - The state / administrative area for the queried IP address. Example: "California"
  • city - The city to which the IP address belongs. Example: "Fremont"
  • zip - The postal code for this IP. Example: "94720"
  • timezone - The timezone for this IP. Example: "America/Los_Angeles"
  • latitude - The geographical latitude for the IP address. Example: "37.54827"
  • longitude - The geographical longitude for the IP address. Example: "-121.98857"
  • accuracy - Geolocation information is not always accurate. For that reason, there is an accuracy number that gives an estimate of how accurate the geolocation information is. Entries with accuracy = 1 have the highest accuracy, rows with accuracy = 4 have the least accuracy.
    • accuracy = 1 - Very high geolocation accuracy. You can rely the data to be accurate to the city level.
    • accuracy = 2 - High geolocation accuracy. You can often rely the data to be accurate to the city level.
    • accuracy = 3 - Medium geolocation accuracy. You can not rely the data to be accurate to the city level.
    • accuracy = 4 - Low geolocation accuracy. Usually the data is accurate to the country level.

ASN Database

For offline ASN data access, the ASN Database is provided. The ASN database includes all assigned and allocated AS numbers by IANA and respective meta information. The database is updated several times per week. For active ASN's (at least one route/prefix assigned to the AS), the database includes rich meta information. For example, the provided information for the ASN 50673 would be:

"50673": {
  "asn": "50673",
  "org": "Serverius Holding B.V.",
  "domain": "serverius.net",
  "abuse": "abuse@serverius.net",
  "type": "hosting",
  "created": "2010-09-07",
  "updated": "2022-11-15",
  "rir": "ripe",
  "descr": "SERVERIUS-AS, NL",
  "country": "NL",
  "active": true,
  "prefixes": [
    // many more IPv4 prefixes ...
  "prefixesIPv6": [
    // many more IPv6 prefixes ...

The database is in JSON format. The key is the ASN as int and the value is an object with AS meta information such as the one above.

Click here to download the ASN Database

How to download & parse the ASN database?

Download and unzip the ASN database:

cd /tmp
curl -O https://ipapi.is/data/fullASN.json.zip
unzip fullASN.json.zip

And parse with nodejs:

let asnDatabase = require('./fullASN.json');
for (let asn in asnDatabase) {
  console.log(asn, asnDatabase[asn]);

Hosting IP Ranges Database

Furthermore, the Hosting IP ranges Database is provided for offline and scalable access. This database contains all known datacenter IP ranges in the Internet. A proprietary algorithm was developed to determine if a network belongs to a hosting provider.

The file format of the database is tab separated text file (.tsv), where each line of the file contains the company, network and domain of the hosting provider.

Example excerpt of the database:

Linode, LLC - www.linode.com
OVH Sp. z o. o. - www.ovh.com
myLoc managed IT AG - www.myloc.de

Click here to download the Hosting IP Ranges Database

How to download & parse the Datacenter database?

Download and unzip the Hosting Ranges database:

cd /tmp
curl -O https://ipapi.is/data/hostingRanges.tsv.zip
unzip hostingRanges.tsv.zip

And parse with nodejs:

const fs = require('fs');

let hostingRanges = fs.readFileSync('hostingRanges.tsv').toString().split('\n');
for (let line of hostingRanges) {
  let [company, network, domain] = line.split('\t');
  console.log(company, network, domain);