
Practice makes perfect - is an app that shows the user some basic greetings in Italian. Giving them a light quiz at the end of the mini lesson.

Acknowledgment: Proper greetings for time of day.

  • Buongiorno = Good Morning

  • Buonasera = Good Evenings

  • Buona notte = Good Night

  • Multiple Choice would be the best option

Formal Greeting based on gender:

  • Man/Sir/Formal - Signore

  • Woman/Ms/Formal - Signora

Formal Greeting vs Informal Greeting: How are you?

  • Come sta?

  • Come stai?

Questions for User?

  • It's morning and you see a middle aged Italian man wave at you. Based on what you know how would you respond?

  • It's evening and you see a middle aged Italian woman wave at you. Based on what you know how would you respond?

  • It's night time and you just finished dinner in Milano. The middle aged hostess says "have a good night". Based on what you know how would you respond.

App Logic

  • Step 1. User is greeted with "Hello Welcome to your first Italian Lesson, we will begin with proper Italian greetings, followed by a light quiz, cominciamo - let's begin.

  • Step 2. Type 'next' to continue.

  • Step 3. Greeting Message: "Let's learn the proper greeting for Sir and Ma'am".

  • Step 4. Type in 'next' to continue'.

  • Step 5. Signore is the equivalent to Sir in English.

  • Step 6. Type in 'next' to continue.

  • Step 7. Signora is the equivalent to Ma'am in English.

  • Step 8. Type 'next' to continue.

  • Step 9. How do we say "How are you"?

  • Step 10. Type 'next' to continue.

  • Step 10. Come sta - is the formal way to say "How are you in Italian".

  • Step 11. Type 'next' to continue.

  • Step 12. Based on what you know. How would you say "How are you, Sir"?

  • Step 13. Multiple choice quiz time. Give the user three choices.

  • Step 14. If they are incorrect we will still move forward. As we are going to build off of this, giving the user another chance. We will give them the right answer.

  • Step 15. Type 'next' to continue.

  • Step 16. Italian Greetings - "Are very important in the Italian language, it is important to address these at the proper time".

  • Step 17. Buongiorno would be "Good morning". Type 'next' to continue.

  • Step 18. Buonasera would be "Good evening". Type 'next' to continue.

  • Step 19. Buona notte would be "Good night". Type 'next' to continue.

  • Based on what you learned. How would you say "Good morning ma'am"?

  • We would give them a multiple choice quiz. If they get it wrong it's okay because we will move on to more questions.

  • Recap: So now that we know how to acknowledge strangers in a formal tone based on the time of day, let's put everything together. Type 'next' to continue.

  • It's morning and you see a middle aged Italian man wave at you. Based on what you know how would you respond?

  • Multiple choice quiz - A) B) C)

  • If wrong we give them answer and move to next question.

  • It's evening and you see a middle aged Italian woman wave at you. Based on what you know how would you respond?

  • Multiple choice quiz - A) B) C)

  • If wrong we give them answer and move to next question.

  • It's night time and you just finished dinner in Milano. The middle aged hostess says "have a good night". Based on what you know how would you respond.

  • Multiple choice quiz - A) B) C)

  • If wrong we give them answer. We do a closing message.

Stretch Goals

  • Expand into the language. Greetings in non formal or friendship version.

  • How would you great a friend vs stranger.