
Factory Functions

  • Make Dino


  • Ornery Ternary

App Development

  • Require

What are Factory Functions?

  • A factory function is a function that returns a new object.

  • Our first assignment creating new objects was with Make Dino.

  • For example for example we were able to create a new dinosaur by using the passed in string of parameters but change a certain condition to set the dinosaur to extinct.

  • function makeDino = (newSpecies, newPeriod, newCarnivore, newExtinct = false);

  • We now have a dinosaur that if passed undefined we can give it our own value known as 'Default Parameter'!

  • Ex: newExtinct = false

  • Always remember order of parameter does matter.

  • When passing in parameters we can also set a value to whatever we want, when creating our new object.

  • (dino.species, dino.period, true); --> New Way

  • vs

  • (dino.species, dino.period, dino.extinct); --> Old Way

  • dino.extinct = true;

  • I want a dinosaur with all parameters passed in with extinct set to true!

  • We also used .slice to truncate like in string building, cutting the name down if characters were exceeded!

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What are Ternaries?

  • Work on three different values.

  • They take two values and make one value.

  • They are composed of a condition and two values.

  • Example: const result = weight > 100 ? 'very heavy' || 'pretty light';

  • Condition = weight > 100 ? --> often times a binary operator

  • Value 1 = 'very heavy'

  • Value 2 = 'pretty light'

  • Always remember position of values matter!!!

  • Ternaries are Boolean values often times!

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Application Development?

  • We started to return back to building applications.

  • We built our backend functions converting Fahrenheit to Celsius

  • We were able to work in different files and access them through

  • const convertToC = require ('./f2c.js');

  • require and the file name would allow us to access our backend function.

  • Don't forget the ./ it's not required but good practice or the parenthesis.