Capstone Project Proposal

Question 1)

Describe the idea behind your project?

  • My project is idea is to create an E-Commerce store that sells wine. I have had a passion for wine for the last 5 years. I have purchased wine online and have had positive experiences for the most part. I really enjoy the layout of such sites like,, and I would like to create my own smaller version.

Question 2)

Who is my target audience?

  • My target audience is anyone that enjoys drinking wine, more than likely an older demographic, culutured, doctors, lawyers, entrepreneurs, enthusiasts, old world types.

Question 3)

How is this project going to showcase development skills?

  • This project will showcase a Full MERN Stack web application. It will showcase my skills in Tailwind, MondoDB, Express, React, and Node. Which requires both Frontend and Backend to make the application fully functional. It will showcase the use of React Router, Use State, Axios or Fetch, CSS through Tailwind, and Context Hooks.

Question 3) How long do you think this project will take?

  • It will take 1 month to write the total application.

Question 5) How do you plan to break down the process?

  • Week 1 - Header, Home Page, Render Information.

  • Week 2 - Use CSS to Style the layout page. The theme is magazine style - clean crisp and fresh. Style the Home Page. Create the Product Page. Style the Product Page. Link the Add to Cart function so when button is clicked the wine will enter the cart.

  • Week 3 - Build the Backend, so the data can be rendered from the Backend. Login, Wine Data. Also sends Wine Cart information to backend.

  • Week 4 - Stretch Goals - Implement Twillo API or Paypal sandbox API. Add more wines to portfolio and use pagination. Filter wine by country.

Question 6)

What does your data schema look like at a high level? (How do you plan to organize and store the data required for your application to run).

  • My data will start with a JSON file. I will than move the information over to the Backend in MongoDB. The information will be the wine data, user information, and cart data.

Question 7)

Include a low-fidelity wireframe (a quick drawing) of your application.