
Static Website showcasing HTML, CSS, Flexbox

Primary LanguageHTML

Copy Ocelot


Our mission today is to copy one of the following websites:

And you'll do it using Flexbox OR Grid. Your choice!

Or BOTH? Sure!


  • This will be a solo project.
  • You only have to copy the main page, but you do have to copy past the opening viewport. In human speak: you need to copy all the way down to the bottom of the main page. Or as far down as you can get!
  • Copy all text verbatim using copy-paste; if it's not selectable, take the equivalent amount of text from a lorem ipsum generator. Do not screenshot it, as an image will respond differently to viewport changes than text will.
  • But do save or screenshot images.
  • For videos, either link to the original video using a video tag, or simply screenshot the video and implement it as a still image.

Stretch Goals

  • Copy another page!