You Deserve Arrays


This is an exercise for retrieving data from an array. Arrays are awesome and you will soon love them. It's our honor to play matchmaker in this regard!


This is a test-based challenge, similar to many we've done before, but here's the workflow again in case you've forgotten:

  1. Clone and fork this repo.
  2. Navigate into the directory.
  3. Run npm install.
  4. Run jest --watch-all.
  5. Create the functions according to the specifications in main.test.js and this README.


See main.test.js (or your jest --watch-all terminal) for full examples of expected output given certain inputs.

  1. getFirstItemFrom: takes in an array as a parameter and returns the first item from that array.

  2. getLastItemFrom: takes in an array as a parameter and returns the last item from that array.

  3. getIndex3: takes in an array as a parameter and returns the item at the 3rd index. If there are not four items (i.e., if there is no index 3), it returns the value at the last index.

  4. isLongList: takes in an array as a parameter and returns a boolean indicating whether the array's length is at least 10.

  5. firstItemIsNumber: takes in an array as a parameter and returns a boolean indicating whether or not the first item in the array is a number.

  6. secondCharOThirdString: takes in an array as a parameter and returns the second character in the third item in the array. We'll assume that that third item is a string for now, but a good function would check that's true! (In the same way the previous question checked if it's a number, if you did it the easy way.)