
Simple Node.js web scraper chassis

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A very simple web scraper chassis. Claw takes a web page (or list of pages), scrapes some info from those pages, then dumps the results to a JSON or CSV file.

How to Use

Accepts parameters

  • a page url, or array of URLs
  • a selection to scrape
  • fields to pull out from within that section
  • an output folder
  • number of seconds to delay
	var claw = require('claw');
	var claw_config = {
		pages : [
		selector : 'h3',
		fields : {
			"text" : "$(sel).find('a').text()",
			"href" : "$(sel).find('a').attr('href')"
		delay : 3

Exported Data

Each page gets saved to a separate output file.

Here's what the exported JSON looks like:

        "text": "HELLO! Online: celeb & royal news, magazine, babies, weddings",
        "href": "http://www.hellomagazine.com/"
        "text": "Hello - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia",
        "href": "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hello"
        "text": "Hello | Define Hello at Dictionary.com",
        "href": "http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/hello"

and here's the CSV:

"HELLO! Online: celeb & royal news, magazine, babies, weddings, É","http://www.hellomagazine.com/"
"Hello - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia","http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hello"
"Hello | Define Hello at Dictionary.com","http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/hello"

External Config

Claw can import its configuration from a JSON file:


The file looks like this:

	"pages" : [
	"selector" : "h3",
	"fields" : {
		"href" : "$(sel).find('a').attr('href')"
	"delay" : 5

Command Line

You can also use claw from the command line. First, install it globally:

npm install -g claw

Then run it in the same folder as your config file:

claw sample1.json

This will create a folder called sample1, with your results.

External Page List

Claw can grab its page list from a JSON file that is a list of urls (or an object with .href properties). Instead of an array, just set "pages" to a file name and path.

claw_config.pages = "pages.json";


Questions? Ideas? Hit me up on twitter - @dylanized