
Aqua.js support for Oracle

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION

Oracle driver for Aqua.js

A driver to connect to an Oracle database from node.js, leveraging the "Oracle C++ Call Interface" (OCCI) for connectivity. This is most commonly obtained as part of the Oracle Instant Client.

It is known to work with Oracle 10, 11, and 12, and has been mostly tested on Linux, but should also work on OS X and Windows 7+

Basic installation --- optional as the module is precompiled with c++ compiler

(See INSTALL.md for complete instructions for your platform.)

OCI_LIB_DIR=/path/to/instant_client OCI_INCLUDE_DIR=/path/to/instant_client/sdk/include OCI_VERSION=<10, 11, or 12> # Integer. Optional, defaults to '11' NLS_LANG=.UTF8 # Optional, but required to support international characters ```

  • Create symlinks for libclntsh and libocci in the Instant Client directory (see INSTALL.md)
  • (Linux) Install libaio
  • Configure the dynamic library path on your platform to include $OCI_LIB_DIR (see INSTALL.md)
  • npm install aquajs-oracle to get the latest from npmjs.org

Default configuration settings


Basic example of a simple query result fetch from Ecx database

   var http=require('http');
    var AquaJsOracle = require('aquajs-oracle');
    var config = {
                    name: 'testConn',
                    hostname: 'xxxxxxx',
                    user: 'xxxxxx',
                    password: 'xxxxx',
                    port: 'xxxxx',
                    database: 'xxxxx'
var selectQuery =    'select all_metros.DESCRIPTION as METRO_DESCRIPTION, COUNT(DISTINCT CVP_PORT_NAME) number_of_ports'+
                        ' FROM'+
                                ' (SELECT DISTINCT DESCRIPTION FROM METRO@XDBREAD where DESCRIPTION is not null) all_metros'+
                                ' LEFT OUTER JOIN'+
                                        ' ECX_PARTICIPANT_VIEW@XDBREAD pv'+
                                ' ON (all_metros.DESCRIPTION = pv.METRO_DESCRIPTION)'+
                                        ' LEFT OUTER JOIN ECEE_VIRTUAL_PORT_V@XDBREAD vp'+
                                ' ON (vp.ACCOUNT_UCM_ID = pv.UCM_ID )'+
                                ' GROUP BY all_metros.DESCRIPTION';

 var oracle = new AquaJsOracle(config);
 http.createServer(function (req, res) {
    res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
    var pool = oracle.getPool();
    pool.acquire(function(err, db) {
       if (err) {
            return res.end("db error: " + err);
        db.execute(selectQuery, [], function(err, results) {
              if (err) {
                return res.end("QUERY ERROR: " + err);


console.log('Server running at');

Alternative db using TNS result fetch from Ecx database

Replace the settings object above with one of the following.

Without tnsnames.ora file:

var config = {
                    name: 'testConn',
                    hostname: 'xxxxxxx',
                    user: 'xxxxxx',
                    password: 'xxxxx',
                    tns: connString,

With tnsnames.ora file:

		(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = localhost)(PORT = 1521))
			(SERVICE_NAME = orcl)

var config = { name: 'testConn', log:true, max:10, hostname: 'xxxxxxx', user: 'xxxxxx', password: 'xxxxx', tns: 'DEV', }; The following OUT Params are supported in Stored Procedures:


Specify the return type in the OutParam() constructor:

db.execute("call myProc(:1,:2)", ["nodejs", new oracle.OutParam(oracle.OCCISTRING)], ...

When using OCCISTRING, the size can optionally be specified (default is 200 chars):

db.execute("call myProc(:1,:2)", ["nodejs", new oracle.OutParam(oracle.OCCISTRING, {size: 1000})], ...

See tests for more examples.

In/Out Params

The following INOUT param types are supported:


INOUT params are used like normal OUT params, with the optional 'in' paramater value being passed in the options object:

db.execute("call myProc(:1)", [new oracle.OutParam(oracle.OCCIINT, {in: 42})], ...


For DATE and TIMESTAMP types, the driver uses the UTC methods from the Javascript Date object. This means the DATE value stored will match the value of new Date().toISOString() on your client machine. Consider this example for a client machine in "GMT-0700":

Table schema:

CREATE TABLE date_test (mydate DATE)

Javascript code:

	var date = new Date(2013, 11, 24, 18, 0, 1);  // Client timezone dependent
	console.log(date.toString());      // Tue Dec 24 2013 18:00:01 GMT-0700 (MST)
	console.log(date.toISOString());   // 2013-12-25T01:00:01.000Z

		"INSERT INTO date_test (mydate) VALUES (:1) " +
			"RETURNING mydate, to_char(mydate, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') INTO :2, :3",
		[date, new oracle.OutParam(oracle.OCCIDATE), new oracle.OutParam(oracle.OCCISTRING)],
		function(err, results) {
			console.log(results.returnParam.toString());  // Tue Dec 24 2013 18:00:01 GMT-0700 (MST)
			console.log(results.returnParam1);            // 2013-12-25 01:00:01

Querying large tables

To query large tables you should use a reader:

  • reader = db.reader(sql, args): creates a reader
  • reader.nextRow(callback): returns the next row through the callback
  • reader.nextRows(count, callback) returns the next count rows through the callback. count is optional and nextRows uses the prefetch row count when count is omitted. Also, you much check for row.length since the reader will continue returning empty arrays once it exceeds the end of the data set provided by the query.
  • db.setPrefetchRowCount(count): configures the prefetch row count for the db. Prefetching can have a dramatic impact on performance but uses more memory.


var reader = db.reader("SELECT * FROM auditlogs", []);

function doRead(cb) {
	reader.nextRow(function(err, row) {
		if (err) return cb(err);
		if (row) {
			// do something with row
			console.log("got " + JSON.stringify(row));
			// recurse to read next record
			return doRead(cb)
		} else {
			// we are done
			return cb();

doRead(function(err) {
	if (err) throw err; // or log it
	console.log("all records processed");

Large inserts or updates

To insert or update a large number of records you should use prepared statements rather than individual execute calls on the db object:

  • statement = db.prepare(sql): creates a prepared statement.
  • statement.execute(args, callback): executes the prepared statement with the values in args. You can call this repeatedly on the same statement.


function doInsert(stmt, records, cb) {
	if (records.length > 0) {
		stmt.execute([records.shift()], function(err, count) {
			if (err) return cb(err);
			if (count !== 1) return cb(new Error("bad count: " + count));
			// recurse with remaining records
			doInsert(stmt, records, cb);
	} else {
		// we are done
		return cb();

var statement = db.prepare("INSERT INTO users (id, firstName, lastName) VALUES (:1, :2, :3)");
doInsert(statement, users, function(err) {
	if (err) throw err; // or log it
	console.log("all records inserted");	
