
A tiny client-side router for Meteor.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


TinyRouter is a tiny client-side router for Meteor. Its focus is on a minimal and easy to understand API.

Quick Start

import { Router } from 'meteor/geekforbrains:tinyrouter';

Router.route('/', 'home')
Router.route('/login', 'login');
Router.route('/profile/:username', 'profile');
Router.route('/account', 'account', function() {
    if (!Meteor.userId) return this.redirect('login');
    return this.render('account');

Add a dynamic template to your HTML.

    {{> Template.dynamic template=routerTemplate data=routerData}}

TinyRouter will handle swapping out the above dynamic template with the template associated with each route by setting the routerTemplate reactive var.

Basic Routing

A basic route is made up of a path and a name respectively.

Router.route('/', 'home');

By default, the route name will be used to load a template with the same name. In the above example the route will try to load the home template.

The route name is also used to get the route path in your templates without having to hard code them. If a route has parameters, you can pass those to the url helper as named arguments.

<template name="example">
    <a href="{{urlFor 'home'}}">Go Home</a>
    <a href="{{urlFor 'profile' username='geekforbrains'}}">Profile</a>

<template name="home">
    <h1>Welcome Home!</h1>

Advanced Routing

An advanced route may specify a callback as its third parameter.

Router.route('/', 'home', function() {
    // Extra logic here (maybe check if user is logged in)

When using a callback, you must specify the template name to be rendered, it will not be loaded for you automatically.

This can also be a way to load templates dynamically or to use a different template name from your route name.


Middleware is used to run functions before every request. They're a great way to add logic to a range of routes.

Router.middleware(function() {
    const path = Router.currentRoute.path;
    if (path.startsWith('/account') && !Meteor.userId()) {
        return false; // Returning false stops any further route execution

The above middleware will be run for every URL change. It checks to see if the route starts with /account and if it does ensures a user is logged in or redirects back to the /login route.

Middleware is run in the ordered its registered.