
Steps to Unlock the WD Passport Hard Disk on Linux or Ubuntu Operating System that doesn't support the WD Unlocker

Primary LanguagePython

Unlocking WD Passport Hard Disk on Linux/ Ubuntu Operating System

Steps to follow:

  1. Open Terminal

  2. Type Command : dmesg | grep -i scsi (This will provide your WD Passport drive name)

    screenshot from 2018-08-28 06-11-54

    Example : In my case its "sdb" (See the line [sdb] Attached SCSI disk above the WD My Passport)

  3. Download the code zip file

  4. Unzip the files downloaded in the Download folder

  5. Type in Terminal :

  • cd Downloads/
  • cd WD-Passport-Unlock-Linux-master/
  • chmod u+x cookpw.py
  • ./cookpw.py THEPASSWORD >password.bin

(Note: Enter your Password instead of THEPASSWORD. Its done twice since you will get an error after running once) 6. Install 'sg3_utils' package for your distro depends on the distro you use !

  1. sudo sg_raw -s 40 -i password.bin /dev/sdb c1 e1 00 00 00 00 00 00 28 00
  • (Note : Instead of "sdb" enter the name of your WD as acquired in Step 2)
  • It will ask your password enter it.
  1. You will get an output : "SCSI Status : Good" on being successful