A light-weight library for management of hierachical content. Most solutions I found did not offer the depth of flexibility I needed with the tree. I decided to solve my problem and also give back to the Vue community. Feel free to log issues, I will jump on them at the slightest opportunity. 😊
npm: npm i v-tree-vue
Vue 3 Project: https://github.com/geekhybrid/vue3-tree-vue
Vue 3 npm package: npm i vue3-tree-vue
- ✔️ Hierachical rendering of content.
- ✔️ Subscribing to items checked event (based on type)
- ✔️ Moving Items between folders (drag-and-drop)
- ✔️ Customising Item Rendering based on item type
- ✔️ Rendering selectable items like checkboxes or plain content
- ✔️ Double clicking to rename item
- Programmatically toggle item visibility based on the
property. - Sorting items alphametically or grouping based on types
- Disabling and Enabling Item(s)
- Programmatically determining what item can be dragged into another item.
- -Custom Context Menu depending on item type.
<tree-view :treeViewItems="treeViewNodes" />
<script lang='ts'>
import { Vue, Component} from 'vue-property-decorator';
import { TreeViewItem, ItemTypes } from '@/businessLogic/contracts/types';
export default class App extends Vue {
treeViewNodes: TreeViewItem[] = []
export interface TreeViewItem {
children?: TreeViewItem[]
type: string
checkedStatus?: CheckedState,
name: string,
id: string,
parentId?: string
You can customise item based on their type
<tree-view :treeViewItems="treeViewNodes">
<template v-slot:icon="treeViewItem">
<img src="@/assets/folder.svg" alt="folder" v-if="treeViewItem.type === 'folder'" >
<img src="@/assets/word.png" alt="vue-logo" v-else-if="treeViewItem.type === '.doc'" height="22" width="22">
<img src="@/assets/excel.png" alt="vue-logo" v-else-if="treeViewItem.type === '.excel'" height="22" width="22">
The library provides a way to further customise the tree view by listening to the v-on:created
event from the tree-view component. The payload surplied provides robust set of options for configuring the tree.
export interface TreeViewCreatedEventPayload {
itemCustomisations: ItemTypeCustomisations;
eventManager: EventManager
Schema for ItemTypeCustomisations
export interface ItemTypeCustomisations {
isDropValid(droppedNode: TreeViewItem, dropHost: TreeViewItem): boolean;
makeItemsCheckable(types: string[]): void;
registerItemRenamedHandler(type: string, callback: (renamedItem: TreeViewItem) => Promise<TreeViewItem>): void;
registerDragAndDropValidator(canItemMoveCallBack: (movingItem: TreeViewItem, destinationItem: TreeViewItem) => boolean): void;
disableDragAndDrop(): void;
getCustomisation(type: string): Customisations;
getRenameHandler(type: string): (item: TreeViewItem) => Promise<TreeViewItem>;
registerItemDeletedHandler(type: string, callback: (item: TreeViewItem) => Promise<boolean>): void;
registerItemMovedHandler(callBack: (movedItem: TreeViewItem) => Promise<TreeViewItem>): void;
registerAnyItemDeleted(callback: (item: TreeViewItem) => Promise<boolean>): void;
registerAnyItemRenamed(callback: (item: TreeViewItem) => Promise<TreeViewItem>): void;
registerAnyItemDragAndDrop(): void;
<tree-view :treeViewItems="treeViewNodes" @created="customiseTreeView" />
<script lang='ts'>
import { Vue, Component} from 'vue-property-decorator';
import { TreeViewCreatedEventPayload, TreeViewItem } from '@/businessLogic/contracts/types';
export default class App extends Vue {
// This method is called when the tree view is created (on Created hook). And allows you to customise the tree-view items using the payload passed into the function.
customiseTreeView(treeCreatedEvent: TreeViewCreatedEventPayload) {
const customisations = treeCreatedEvent.itemCustomisations;
// `Tree-vue` supports 2-major types of tree items. Checkable items or plain items.
customisations.makeItemsCheckable([".doc", ".excel", "media" ]);
treeViewNodes: TreeViewItem[] = [] // Populate tree items here.
To carter for advanced cases where children
of the hierachical tree may be of different types. And you want to perform some further actions whenever something happens to them. You can subscribe for checked events of item types you may be interested in. And perform further actions.
E.g A school has departments, and you want to check some departments and delete them.
You can attach callbacks that notify you when departments have been checked on the tree.
<!-- Examples of how to subscribe for events -->
<tree-view :treeViewItems="schools" @created="customiseSchools" />
<script lang='ts'>
import { Vue, Component} from 'vue-property-decorator';
import { TreeViewCreatedEventPayload } from '@/businessLogic/contracts/types';
export default class App extends Vue {
customiseSchools(treeCreatedEvent: TreeViewCreatedEventPayload) {
const customisations = treeCreatedEvent.itemCustomisations;
const eventManager = treeCreatedEvent.eventManager;
eventManager.subscribeToItemChecked("department", (items) => console.log(items));
schools: TreeViewItem[] = [
id: '1',
type: 'school',
name: 'Vue School',
children: [
id: '2',
type: 'department',
name: 'Typescript Department',
parentId: '1'
id: '3',
type: 'department',
name: 'Open Source Department',
parentId: '1'
Property | Default | Description |
treeViewItems | Empty array | An array of TreeViewItem . |
hideGuideLines | false |
Determines the visibility of the guidelines |
selectionMode | Multiple |
Single or Multiple . This determines how many items can be simultaneously selected/checked in the tree. |