
ESLint rules used at Geekie

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

ESLint utilities used at Geekie


Install using:

$ yarn add --dev eslint eslint-plugin-geekie


Add geekie to your .eslintrc.json plugins:

  "plugins": [

And add one of the configs to extends:

  "extends": [

Or add each rule individually:

  "rules": {
    "@geekie/no-general-eslint-disable": "error"


The plugin exports two config:

  • rules: enables the rules included in the plugin
  • recommended: a sensible config for JS only, and enables the rules included in the plugin


The plugin exports two rules:

  • no-general-eslint-disable: disables usage of eslint-disable without specific rules, to prevent turning off linting completely in a line or in a file.
  • no-stringify-in-matcher: prevents usage of JSON.stringify in Jest matchers (it might work with others) because the serialization order is not reliable.