
A simple CLI tool for getting updates from the 2018 FIFA World Cup Tournament

Primary LanguageGo


heyrussia is a command line interface tool for fetching updates from The 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia. You can fetch groups, teams, standings, stadiums and feed from all pasta and upcoming matches.


To list all groups in the world cup, use groups or g command:

$ heyrussia groups

To list all teams in the world cup, use teams or t command:

$ heyrussia teams

To list all stadiums in the world cup, use stadiums or std command:

$ heyrussia stadiums

To get current groups standings in the world cup, use standings or s command:

$ heyrussia standings

To fetch feed with details of all past and upcoming matches, including scores, dates, scorers etc , use feed or f command:

$ heyrussia feed

You can filter a feed based on dates with the date or -d flag.:

$ heyrussia feed -d 2018-06-18

Date format is yyyy-mm-dd

You can use the special 'today' to fetch feed for the current day.

$ heyrussia feed -d today

More features to be available soon.


To install, use go get:

$ go get -d github.com/geeknat/heyrussia

or for 32 bit Windows , download here.

or for 64 bit Windows , download here.

or for 32 bit Linux , download here.

or for 64 bit Linux , download here.

or for RISC Linux , download here.

or for 32 bit Mac OS, download here.

or for 64 bit Mac OS, download here.

or download for any platform from the releases page.




Geek Nat