
Cheibriados (crawl development IRC bot)

Primary LanguagePerlMIT LicenseMIT


You will need to install from CPAN at least the following packages:

  • Bot::BasicBot
  • File::pushd
  • XML::RAI, XML::RPC, and XML::SAX
  • Module::Pluggable
  • MooseX::NonMoose
  • POE::Component::SSLify (if you want to connect with SSL)


The repo is configured by default for running a development version of the official Cheibriados bot. To change this:

  • Edit the channel names and nick in bin/run.
  • Edit the admin user names in lib/Crawl/Bot/Plugin/Puppet.pm.
  • If you're running something completely different from Cheibriados, you may want to edit the channel names in lib/Crawl/Bot/Bot.pm around say, which keep a development version from duplicating an official version in the channels specified there.

To enable SSL on the bot's connection, make sure you choose the correct port, and add ssl => 1 to the list of properties in bin/run. For example:

    server   => 'irc.libera.chat',
    port     => 6697,
    ssl      => 1,
    channels => ['#crawl-dev'],
    nick     => 'FakeCheibriados',
    name     => 'FakeCheibriados the Crawl Bot',

To use nickserv, put the password in plaintext in a file called .password in the root directory of the repository. Needless to say, this is not a secure way of storing passwords.


From the root directory of the repository, call bin/run.