
A small DSL for generating lots of similar, repetitive code.

Primary LanguageNim


Nim macro(s) that implements a small DSL that works like an inline proc but for templates which can be used to inline, repetitive code while hopefully improving intent and maintainablity at the cost of clarity. The examples below show a reduction of 50-66% in code size.




gen red, green, blue:
  const `it tag` = TM_STATIC_HASH("color_" & $$it)


const `red tag` = TM_STATIC_HASH("color_" & "red")
const `green tag` = TM_STATIC_HASH("color_" & "green")
const `blue tag` = TM_STATIC_HASH("color_" & "blue")

gen(c = component):
  s.`mover c` = entity_api.`lookup c type`(s.entity_ctx, `TM_TT_TYPE_HASH_PHYSX_MOVER c`)
  gen physics_joint, physics_shape, physx_joint, physx_rigid_body, tag, transform:
    s.`it c` = entity_api.`lookup c type`(s.entity_ctx, `TM_TT_TYPE_HASH it c`)

  gen(m = manager, (trans, transform), (tag, tag)):
    s.`it[0] man` = cast[ptr `tm it[1] c m o`](entity_api.`c m`(s.entity_ctx, s.`it[1] c`))


  s.`mover component` = entity_api.`lookup component type`(s.entity_ctx, `TM_TT_TYPE_HASH_PHYSX_MOVER component`)
  s.`physics_joint component` = entity_api.`lookup component type`(s.entity_ctx, `TM_TT_TYPE_HASH physics_joint component`)
  s.`physics_shape component` = entity_api.`lookup component type`(s.entity_ctx, `TM_TT_TYPE_HASH physics_shape component`)
  s.`physx_joint component` = entity_api.`lookup component type`(s.entity_ctx, `TM_TT_TYPE_HASH physx_joint component`)
  s.`physx_rigid_body component` = entity_api.`lookup component type`(s.entity_ctx, `TM_TT_TYPE_HASH physx_rigid_body component`)
  s.`tag component` = entity_api.`lookup component type`(s.entity_ctx, `TM_TT_TYPE_HASH tag component`)
  s.`transform component` = entity_api.`lookup component type`(s.entity_ctx, `TM_TT_TYPE_HASH transform component`)

  s.`trans man` = cast[ptr `tm transform component manager_o`](entity_api.`component manager`(s.entity_ctx, s.`transform component`))
  s.`tag man` = cast[ptr `tm tag component manager_o`](entity_api.`component manager`(s.entity_ctx, s.`tag component`))

  gen (A, `-=`, x), (D, `+=`, x), (W, `-=`, z), (S, `+=`, z):
    if s.input.held_keys[`TM_INPUT_KEYBOARD_ITEM it[0]`]:
      it[1](local_movement.`it[2]`, 1.0f)


  if s.input.held_keys[TM_INPUT_KEYBOARD_ITEM_A]:
    `-=`(local_movement.x, 1.0f)
  if s.input.held_keys[TM_INPUT_KEYBOARD_ITEM_D]:
    `+=`(local_movement.x, 1.0f)
  if s.input.held_keys[TM_INPUT_KEYBOARD_ITEM_W]:
    `-=`(local_movement.z, 1.0f)
  if s.input.held_keys[TM_INPUT_KEYBOARD_ITEM_S]:
    `+=`(local_movement.z, 1.0f)