
Solutions to some common Computer Science problems in C with TDD

Primary LanguageC


This repository contains solution to some computer science problems in most effecient ways I could. It also introduces you to TDD (Test Driven Development) approach of software development which is well known to minimize bugs and security vulnerabilities. In this project I tried to use Single Responsibility Principle to make functions and objects more comprehensible and reusable, following OOD techniques.


The four adjacent digits in the 1000-digit numerals that have the greatest product are 9x9x8x9=5832(for example). Find the thirteen adjacent digits in the 1000-digit number that have the greatest product. What is the value of the product?



I will be going through the following process to get the expected solution. See System Overview and block diagram.


However, the process followed here will be long. So, I have choosen Regular Expression with python to solve the problem as regex will make computation efficent. See q1.py file for python implementation

System Overview/Block diagram

UML diagram of the object; w/ private data and public API

Write Failing Test cases

Write codes to make the tests go green.

Refactored code

Making code look good, optimizing code, adding/trimming comments.


A palindromic number reads the same both ways. The largest palindome made from the product of two 2-digit number is 9009 = 91 x 99.
Find the largest palindrome made from the product of two 3-digit numbers.

System Overview/Block diagram

UML diagram of the object; w/ private data and public API

Write Failing Test cases

Write codes to make the tests go green.

Refactored code

Making code look good, optimizing code, adding/trimming comments.


Test Case Scenario
For application In the division calculator Input 1 and Input 2 is divisor, When clicked on Divide button, it should perform division of two number specified in the two fields and should show result on result box.


If I were a project manager I would use Agile model of software development for the planning of web application. I would prefer to be bounded under the principles of Agile's Scrum framework. The steps would be:

1. Gathering all the requirements/user story as a product backlog from end-users or a product owner.
2. Breaking down of product backlogs into release backlogs and further breaking release backlogs
   into number of sprint backlogs for each release.
   Sprints are the short duration milestone, that ensures the project is progressing to its goal.
3. Monitoring the project sprint using burndown chart.
   Burndown chart helps us to know if we are in time or not with project shipping time.
4. Organising daily Scrum meeting, to ensure everything is on track,
   and to know the difficulties faced by team members.
5. After each sprint , organising a Retrospective meeting to fine tune everything,
   by testing and debugging by team members for the product to be shipped

Execution instructions

The programs are written in ANSI C and tested with GCC version 6.3.0 20170406.
Example: In UNIX based OSes

$ gcc q1.c -o q1.out
# To run the executible
$ ./q1.out

# compiling q2.c is little bit tricky
$ gcc q2.c -o q2.out -lm
$ ./q2.out

#compiling q1.py
$python q1.py


Here, the expected output is asserted rather than displaying it to STDOUT. So, if you desire to display the output you can use the API in any way you want.