
PPM Helper and example

Primary LanguageC++


Makes for easy creation of PPM Images. You create the image you want using the rgb_pixel class and the ppm_images << operator.


The rgb_pixel class allows for management of the colours as RGB values. It also provides a Factory Method with allows you to get a few specific colours premade: rgb_pixel::get_colour(colour);.


ppm_image ppm;
std::vector<rgb_pixel> row;

ppm << row;
// The image now has a row with two pixels in

ppm << row:
// The image now has two rows with two pixels in

The pixels are stored as a 2D grid (vector of vectors) and you can access the pixels using the [] operator to get a specific row out

ppm[0][0]; // Top left pixel
ppm[ppm.size()-1].back() // Bottom right pixel

If you decide to add a new row which is longer than previous rows, rather than having a bunch of jagged rows, the empty spaces are filled with white pixels.

The header for the .ppm output is automatically generated based on what you put into the ppm_image class. Stream out to the destination file using << operator. The example provided is a simple rip off of SongSim


Once you have clones the repo use the following commands to build the library and test it.

mkdir build; cd build
cmake ..

Then you can link your application to the build/src directory to find the library and the header file.