Brainfuck Interpreter

This project is a commandline brainfuck interpreter I made to use some c++17 features, and to learn how to use vscode.


This project uses conan to manage those, so it is assumed you have conan install. If not run brew install conan and it will install it.

VSCode Extensions

I found that in order to debug on macOS I had to have the CodeLLDB extension. I also have the C/C++ extensions to make life easier. For testing I used Test Explorer UI and Catch2, Google Test and doctest Explorer. These were really cool and allowed me to auto run tests and zoom straight to failure which I found easier than when using vim and lldb directly.


git clone


From the Command Line

cd brainfuck
make remake

From within VSCode

The default build task will clean and build the workspace so run that.


To show help message:

./interpreter --help

To just use as normal:


To show the process in slowtime where the memory of the brainfuck machine is shown after each command:

./interpreter --slow

To hello world use the input ++++++++[>++++[>++>+++>+++>+<<<<-]>+>+>->>+[<]<-]>>.>---.+++++++..+++.>>.<-.<.+++.------.--------.>>+.>++.


From the Command Line

make test

From within VSCode

I used the Test Explorer UI plugin, which is configured in my settings.json file to file and use those tests.


I accept issues/PRs from anyone. Please feel free to give me feedback :)

If you're submitting a PR please format code first using the .clang-format provided. This can be performed using make format.

Please also use some kind of static analysis. I quite like cppcheck and you can use it by performing make lint.