
Optimize and secure your Docker containers

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docker-slim: Lean and Mean Docker containers

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Creating small containers requires a lot of voodoo magic and it can be pretty painful. You shouldn't have to throw away your tools and your workflow to have skinny containers. Using Docker should be easy.

docker-slim is a magic diet pill for your containers :) It will use static and dynamic analysis to create a skinny container for your app.


Auto-generated seccomp profiles for Docker 1.10.


Latest Mac binaries

Latest Linux binaries


./docker-slim [info|build] [--http-probe|--remove-file-artifacts] <IMAGE_ID_OR_NAME>

Example: ./docker-slim build --http-probe my/sample-node-app

To generate a Dockerfile for your "fat" image without creating a new "slim" image use the info command.

Example: ./docker-slim info 6f74095b68c9


If you want to auto-generate a Seccomp profile AND minify your image use the build command. If you only want to auto-generate a Seccomp profile (along with other interesting image metadata) use the profile command.

Step one: run DockerSlim

./docker-slim build --http-probe your-name/your-app

Step two: use the generated Seccomp profile

docker run --security-opt seccomp:<docker-slim directory>/.images/<YOUR_APP_IMAGE_ID>/artifacts/your-name-your-app-seccomp.json <your other run params> your-name/your-app

Feel free to copy the generated profile :-)

You can use the generated Seccomp profile with your original image or with the minified image.


You can use the generated profile with your original image or with the minified image DockerSlim created:

docker run --security-opt seccomp:path_to/my-sample-node-app-seccomp.json -p 8000:8000 my/sample-node-app.slim


DockerSlim demo

Demo video on YouTube


The demo run on Mac OS X, but you can build a linux version. Note that these steps are different from the steps in the demo video.

  1. Get the docker-slim Mac or Linux binaries. Unzip them and optionally add their directory to your PATH environment variable if you want to use the app from other locations.

    The extracted directory contains two binaries:

    • docker-slim <- the main application
    • docker-slim-sensor <- the sensor application used to collect information from running containers
  2. Clone this repo to use the sample apps. You can skip this step if you have your own app.

    git clone https://github.com/cloudimmunity/docker-slim.git

  3. Create a Docker image for the sample node.js app in sample/apps/node. You can skip this step if you have your own app.

    cd docker-slim/sample/apps/node

    eval "$(docker-machine env default)" <- optional (depends on how Docker is installed on your machine); if the Docker host is not running you'll need to start it first: docker-machine start default

    docker build -t my/sample-node-app .

  4. Run docker-slim:

    ./docker-slim build --http-probe my/sample-node-app <- run it from the location where you extraced the docker-slim binaries

    DockerSlim creates a special container based on the target image you provided. It also creates a resource directory where it stores the information it discovers about your image: <docker-slim directory>/.images/<TARGET_IMAGE_ID>.

  5. Use curl (or other tools) to call the sample app (optional)

    curl http://<YOUR_DOCKER_HOST_IP>:<PORT>

    This is an optional step to make sure the target app container is doing something. Depending on the application it's an optional step. For some applications it's required if it loads new application resources dynamically based on the requests it's processing.

    You can get the port number either from the docker ps or docker port <CONTAINER_ID> commands. The current version of DockerSlim doesn't allow you to map exposed network ports (it works like docker run … -P).

    If you set the http-probe flag then docker-slim will try to call your application using HTTP/HTTPS: ./docker-slim build --http-probe my/sample-node-app

  6. Press any key and wait until docker-slim says it's done

  7. Once DockerSlim is done check that the new minified image is there

    docker images

    You should see my/sample-node-app.slim in the list of images. Right now all generated images have .slim at the end of its name.

  8. Use the minified image

    docker run --name="slim_node_app" -p 8000:8000 my/sample-node-app.slim


It works pretty well with the sample Node.js, Python, Ruby and Java images (built from sample/apps). More testing needs to be done to see how it works with other images.

Sample images (built with the standard Ubuntu 14.04 base image):

  • nodejs app container: 431.7 MB => 14.22 MB
  • python app container: 433.1 MB => 15.97 MB
  • ruby app container: 406.2 MB => 13.66 MB
  • java app container: 743.6 MB => 100.3 MB (yes, it's a bit bigger than others :-))

You can also run docker-slim in the info mode and it'll generate useful image information including a "reverse engineered" Dockerfile.

DockerSlim now also generates Seccomp (usable) and AppArmor (WIP) profiles for your container.

Works with Docker 1.8, 1.9 and 1.10.


You don't need Docker 1.10 to generate Seccomp profiles, but you do need it if you want to use the generated profiles.


To run docker-slim you need to export docker environment variables. If you use docker-machine you get it when you run eval "$(docker-machine env default)".


Is it safe for production use?

Yes! Either way, you should test your Docker images.

How can I contribute if I don't know Go?

You don't need to read the language spec and lots of books :-) Go through the Tour of Go and optionally read 50 Shades of Go and you'll be ready to contribute!

What's the best application for DockerSlim?

DockerSlim will work for any dockerized application; however, DockerSlim automates app interactions for applications with an HTTP API. You can use DockerSlim even if your app doesn't have an HTTP API. You'll need to interact with your application manually to make sure DockerSlim can observe your application behavior.


You can explore the artifacts DockerSlim generates when it's creating a slim image. You'll find those in <docker-slim directory>/.images/<TARGET_IMAGE_ID>/artifacts. One of the artifacts is a "reverse engineered" Dockerfile for the original image. It'll be called Dockerfile.fat.

If you'd like to see the artifacts without running docker-slim you can take a look at the sample/artifacts directory in this repo. It doesn't include any image files, but you'll find:

  • a reverse engineered Dockerfile (Dockerfile.fat)
  • a container report file (creport.json)
  • a sample AppArmor profile (which will be named based on your original image name)
  • and a sample Seccomp profile

If you don't want to create a minified image and only want to "reverse engineer" the Dockerfile you can use the info command.


Go 1.5.1 or higher is required. Earlier versions of Go have a Docker/ptrace related bug (Go kills processes if your app is PID 1). When the 'monitor' is separate from the 'launcher' process it will be possible to user older Go versions again.

Before you build the tool you need to install GOX and Godep (optional; you'll need it only if you have problems pulling the dependencies with vanilla go get)

1: go get github.com/tools/godep

1: go get github.com/mitchellh/gox

2: gox -build-toolchain -os="linux" -os="darwin" (note: might have to run it with sudo)


Step 2 is not necessary with Go 1.5.

Local Build Steps

Once you install the dependencies (GOX - required; Godep - optional) run these scripts:

  1. Pull the dependencies: ./scripts/src.deps.get.sh
  2. Build it: ./scripts/src.build.sh

You can use the clickable .command scripts on Mac OS X (located in the scripts directory):

  1. mac.src.deps.get.command
  2. mac.src.build.command

Traditional Go Way to Build

If you don't want to use the helper scripts you can build docker-slim using regular go commands:

  1. cd $GOPATH
  2. mkdir -p src/github.com/cloudimmunity
  3. cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/cloudimmunity
  4. git clone https://github.com/cloudimmunity/docker-slim.git <- if you decide to use go get to pull the docker-slim repo make sure to use the -d flag, so Go doesn't try to build it
  5. cd docker-slim
  6. go get -d -v ./...
  7. go build -v ./apps/docker-slim <- builds the main app in the repo's root directory
  8. env GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -v ./apps/docker-slim-sensor <- builds the sensor app (must be built as a linux executable)

Builder Image Steps

You can also build docker-slim using a "builder" Docker image. The helper scripts are located in the scripts directory.

  1. Create the "builder" image: ./docker-slim-builder.build.sh (or click on docker-slim-builder.build.command if you are using Mac OS X)
  2. Build the tool: docker-slim-builder.run.sh (or click on docker-slim-builder.run.command if you are using Mac OS X)



  1. Inspect container metadata (static analysis)
  2. Inspect container data (static analysis)
  3. Inspect running application (dynamic analysis)
  4. Build an application artifact graph
  5. Use the collected application data to build small images
  6. Use the collected application data to auto-generate various security framework configurations.


  1. Instrument the container image (and replace the entrypoint/cmd) to collect application activity data
  2. Use kernel-level tools that provide visibility into running containers (without instrumenting the containers)
  3. Disable relevant namespaces in the target container to gain container visibility (can be done with runC)


The goal is to auto-generate Seccomp, AppArmor, (and potentially SELinux) profiles based on the collected information.

  • AppArmor profiles
  • Seccomp profiles


Some of the advanced analysis options require a number of Linux kernel features that are not always included. The kernel you get with Docker Machine / Boot2docker is a great example of that.



  • Auto-generate AppArmor profiles (almost usable :-))
  • Option to pause builder execution to allow manual changes to the minified image artifacts.
  • Support additional command line parameters to specify CMD, VOLUME, ENV info.
  • Better support for command line applications


  • Discover HTTP endpoints to make the HTTP probe more intelligent.
  • Scripting language dependency discovery in the "scanner" app.
  • Explore additional dependency discovery methods.
  • Build/use a custom Boot2docker kernel with every required feature turned on.
  • "Live" image create mode - to create new images from containers where users install their applications interactively.


DockerSlim was a Docker Global Hack Day #dockerhackday project. It barely worked at the time :-)

Since then it's been improved and it works pretty well for its core use cases. It can be better though. That's why the project needs your help! You don't need to know much about Docker and you don't need to know anything about Go. You can contribute in many different ways. For example, use DockerSlim on your images and open a Github issue documenting your experience even if it worked just fine :-)


IRC (freenode): #dockerslim

Docker Hub: dslim (dockerslim is already taken :-()


  • The code is still not very pretty at this point in time :)