
Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This is a skeleton project structure which will help you start solving the problem right away.

Tools available to you.

  • Java 17
  • Apache Ant - A build tool to simplify the build process.
  • JUnit5 - Unittesting framework to help you write and run unittests.


  • src/main/java is where all your java source files should be written to. Already has a Main.java file that contains the driver code.
  • src/test/java is where all your unit test files should be written. Make sure all your test files end with Tests.java. Example: CartTests.java, OrderTests.java.
  • lib contains the jar files for the IDE to provide code suggestion capabilities on external dependecies. Like JUnit5.
  • build.xml is a build config file. You don't need to worry about this or edit this.

How to run unittests

  • We have already configured everything for you to get started with running and writing unittests rightaway.
  • Run the command ant test in the terminal to run unittests.
  • ant test will detect all test files inside src/test/java and build and run the tests.
  • All test files needs to end with Tests.java. Example: BooksTests.java, BooksRepoTests.java.

How to build your solution

  • Ant task have already been configured for you.
  • Run ant dist to generate the dist.jar file. This can be found inside dist/lib/ folder.

Running the dist.jar file

  • After building your solution as per How to build your solution you can now run the dist.jar against inputs.

  • To run, issue the command java -jar dist/lib/dist.jar '[cmd [options...]' 'cmd [options...]'...] where

    • cmd is a valid problem specific command.
    • options are optional cmd specific options.

    Example: java -jar dist/lib/dist.jar 'ADD APPLE 2' 'ADD ORANGE 3' 'SHOW'

    Note: Each full command should be wrapped in single quotes(').

Ant tasks available to you.

You can run these following commands on the terminal.

  • ant clean - will clean the older builds.
  • ant dist - will compile your code and build the dist.jar file inside dist/lib folder.
  • ant test - will build and run all your unittests. The test files are expected to reside inside src/test/java.