Those who fail to plan - Plan to Fail.
This project contains the simple planning system I use to organize my work and life. It is based on the ideas embodied by the books "7 Habits of Highly Effective People"
- By Stephen Covey, and "Gettings Things Done" - By David Allen.
This project is NOT an automated planning system. It is a simple script for printing a paper based daily planner. Why not an automated tool? - Well I have yet to find any method that feels as satisifiying as physically crossing off a todo item.
If you are looking for a simple, easy to use paper based planner, this simple script let's you schedule automated print outs of the pages on a daily, weekly, or monthy basis
Extract the github project to a location on your linux box (eg: /usr/local/scripts/autoprint)
Schedule cronjobs on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis
Actually fill out the details of the planner each day !
55 05 * * * /usr/local/scripts/autoprint/print_planner daily
55 05 * * SUN /usr/local/scripts/autoprint/print_planner weekly
55 05 1 * * /usr/local/scripts/autoprint/print_planner monthly