This is a configurable FiveM resource made entirely in Lua. It's comparable to the GTA:O gang attacks.
It features basic co-op functionality and many options to tune it to your liking.
I've also translated the notifications to German.
- A working database
- OneSync enabled on your FiveM server. If you don't want to use OneSync see this comment made by user StanD3v
Install these like any other resource and set this in the config
Config.useMythic = true
Config.progBar = true
- Download the resource from GitHub
- Unzip it
- Put it in your resource folder
- Add "start npc_bounty" to your server.cfg
- Run bounty.sql
- Done
- Config.Locale - English or German. More translations might follow
- Config.policeJob - The name of your servers police job
- Config.amountCop - Amount of players with policeJob needed to start with difficulty 1
- Config.hideBlip - For hiding the start location on the map
- Config.cleanDead - Cleans up the killed NPCs on mission success/fail
- Config.printRemaining - Draws the amount of NPCs remaining. Increases resource usage
- Config.useMythic - If you want to use mythic__notify keep this on true
- Config.progBar - If you want to use the progressbar keep this on true
- Config.removeArea - This will remove the red radius on the map once the enemies spawn
- Config.aiBlip - Shows enemies on the map
- Config.useDirtyMoney - If this is set to true then you will receive dirty money instead of clean cash when selling Dog Tags
- Config.waypoint - Sets a waypoint to the enemies once you're close enough
- Config.blipSprite - Change the sprite of the blip if you're drawing it
- Config.enemies - Amount of enemies you want to spawn
- Config.enemyHealth - Sets the amount of health the enemies spawn with
- Config.enemyAcc - The accuracy the enemies will have
- Config.enemyVest - Toggle this to give the enemies armor
- Config.enemyArmor - Amount of armor you want the enemies to have if the above is true
- Config.radius - The search radius you want to draw on the map
- Config.distance - Enemies will spawn once you've passed the distance you set here
- Config.boxProp - The prop that should spawn on success
- Config.spawnedEnemy - The peds that will attack you
- Config.reward - Amount of money you will receive by selling Dog Tags
- Download a tool like vMenu or set Config.getCoords to true and use the command
- Find a suitable location for the middle of the area based on your radius
- Find a suitable location for enemies to spawn. Make sure you have enough space so they don't spawn inside stuff
- Find a good location for the crate spawn. (Optional) Hide it well
- Done
- Open the locales folder
- Create a new file in the locales folder and name it "yourlanguage".lua
- Translate the locales from English/German to your preferred language
- Add "yourlanguage".lua to the client_scripts and server_scripts in the fxmanifest.lua
- Done
Your fxmanifest should look like the one below