
Bootstrap 4 version of xswatch XOOPS theme

Primary LanguageSmarty


xSwatch4 is a theme for XOOPS 2.5.11 that is based on Bootstrap 4.4.1.

The main theme is based on Bootswatch Cerulean, and a dark alternative is based on Bootswatch Slate.


  • emphasis on better mobile experience
  • self hosted, with no off domain resources required
  • built in cookie consent
  • administrator toolbar with block edit feature

Customize xSwatch:

  • customize the Navigation Bar in tpl/nav-menu.tpl and language/*/main.php to match your system and installed modules
  • customize the Jumbotron in theme.tpl and tpl/jumbotron.tpl
  • enable a slider in theme.tpl and tpl/slider.tpl
  • customize cookie consent in tpl/cookieConsent.tpl, or disable include in theme.tpl
  • customize or disable inbox alert in theme.tpl and tpl/inboxAlert.tpl
  • for best experience install both the PM and Profile modules
  • to enable the dark theme, copy the contents of the css-dark directory to the css directory.
  • alternate Bootswatch themes can be swapped in easily by copying the theme's bootstrap.min.css into the css folder.

In addition to templates for the modules included in XOOPS (pm, profile and system,) Bootstrap v4.4 templates are included for the following modules:
