Developer: Mahesh C. Regmi
Samuel's Edit is a console-based image editor built on top of Python.
- Add text
- Resize Images
- Scaling and Pasting
- Cursor's Feature
- Efficient pasting
- Filters addition
Samuel's Edit uses a number of open source projects (or not ) to work properly:
- [OpenCV] - Enhanced Computer Vision for processing Images
- [PIL] - Efficient Image Processing library on python3.
And of course Samuel's Edit itself is open source with a [public repository][samueledits] on GitHub.
Samuel's Edit requires openCV and PIL to run properly.
Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the server. Refer to this link to install opencv Install OpenCV
$ cd samueledits
$ pip install pipenv
$ pipenv shell
$ sudo pip install requirements.txt
$ python3 <image_name>
$ cd samueledits
$ pip install pipenv
$ pipenv shell
$ sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python3 <image_name>
You can open image on samueledits by this command.
python3 <image_name>
You can change image if opened once using the command given below.
python3 change <image_name>
See the image by just typing show.
Get the image resolution (width or height) by the command below.
You can rotate image in any degree you want as simple as this ( this rotates in clockwise direction)
>rotate 90
You can provide clockwise or anticlockwise by using another parameter.
>rotate 90 c #clockwise
>rotate 90 ac #anticlockwise
You can crop image by passing either two values to start from top end or start from custom end. It's very easy.
>crop 20 10 # crops from 10 to the bottom and 20 to the right
>crop 20 10 100 200 # crops image from 20 to 100 on length and 10 to 200 on height.
If you are confused where to put the image , text or cropping you can get where is the current (x,y) by command below.
>point 10 20 # point (10,20) - (x,y) on the image.
You can add text to the image by some easy steps.
First initialize your text by sending scale factor, text and color.
>text 1-hello world-white
>text 0.5-hi-black
Since the text is initialized, you can now write the text into the image by passing where you want to put it.
>write 100 100 # (x,y) = (100,100)
Reset changes by simply typing reset.
Want to contribute? Great! Thanks to Aju100 and TheBinitGhimire.
- Write MORE Tests
- Add Night Mode
Free Software, Hell Yeah!