Gisida is a Javascript data pipeline library that generates map visualizations for Mapbox GL JS using MapSpec.
Gisida uses Redux to manage layers data state.
Take a look at gisida-react if you need to quickly build a Map Dashboard using Gisida and MapSpec layers.
$ npm install gisida
NOTE: You can alternetively use yarn
to manage your node packages.
UMD build
<script src=""> </script>
Getting Started
1.Create config file
- Create a
and save it in the application's root path. An exampleconfig.json
file is provided below:
"APP": {
"mapConfig": {
"container": "map",
"style": "mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v9",
"center": [
"zoom": 6
"accessToken": "<mapbox-studio-access-token>",
"appIcon": "/img/gisida-logo.png",
"appName": "GISIDA EXAMPLE",
"appColor": "darkslategrey",
"layersPath": "/layers"
"label": "Light",
"style": "mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v9"
"label": "Streets",
"style": "mapbox://styles/mapbox/streets-v9"
"label": "Satellite",
"style": "mapbox://styles/mapbox/satellite-v9"
2. Import and initializing the store.
import { initStore } from 'gisida';
const store = initStore();
3. Adding Layers
propery underAPP.mapConfig
is used to define the folder that contains the layers files. -
propery is a list that contains the filenames of the layers that should be loaded into state.
NOTE: The filename is added withouth the .json
extension in the config file.
An example layer file in the path /layers/ken-health-sites.json
"label": "Kenya Health Sites",
"source": {
"type": "geojson",
"data": "data/ken_health_sites.geojson"
"type": "symbol",
"minZoom": 0,
"paint": {
"text-color": "#000",
"text-halo-color": "#fff",
"text-halo-width": 1.3,
"text-halo-blur": 1
"layout": {
"text-field": "{name} ({type})",
"text-offset": [0,2],
"icon-image": "hospital-11",
"icon-allow-overlap": true,
"text-transform": "uppercase"
"visible": false,
"credit": "Global Healthsites Mapping Project<br>Aug 15, 2017"
Ensure that the data file for the layer is located in the specified source path data/ken_health_sites.geojson
3. Actions
Gisida provides in-build functions that trigger to process and managed data in the store;
- prepareLayer
- changeStyle
- addLabels
- addChart
- addLegend
- buildTimeSeriesData
TODO: add documentation for Gisida API
To locally develop and make changes to gisida:
Local development
- Clone repo:
$ git clone
Link the project folder as local module within your project using
npm link
oryarn link
if you use yarn as your preferred node package manager. -
Run development build:
$ npm develop
Production build
- Build production distribution
$ npm build
- Publish to npm
$ npm publish
Check to see what the next release version number should be, i.e. if the last release is
the next should be0.0.8
depending on the Semantic Versioning guide, refer to ( -
Create branch for new version being released,
git checkout -b <version-number>
$ git checkout -b 0.0.8
- Run
npm version <version-number>
. This creates a commit and updates version number in package.json.
$ npm version 0.0.8
- Push release branch to Github and tag
git push -u --follow-tags origin <version-number>
$ git push -u --follow-tags origin 0.0.8
- Merge release to master once it passes review