This repository includes:
"WHENet: Real-time Fine-Grained Estimation for Wide Range Head Pose" (BMVC 2020). adapted from the original source code.
RetinaFace: Single-stage Dense Face Localisation in the Wild adapted from
You can install this repository with pip (requires python>=3.6);
pip install headpose-detection
pip install git+
You can also install with the
To perform detection you can simple use the following lines:
import cv2
from headpose_estimation import Headpose
headpose = Headpose()
img = cv2.imread("path_to_im.jpg")
detections,image =
This will return a list of dictionary which looks like this [{'bbox': [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax], 'yaw': yaw_value, 'pitch': pitch_value, 'roll': roll_value}
To perform detection you can simple use the following lines:
import cv2
from headpose_estimation import Headpose
headpose = Headpose(face_detection=False)
imgcrop = cv2.imread("path_to_im.jpg")
detections,image =
In this case it will return a list of dictionary which looks like this [{'yaw': yaw_value, 'pitch': pitch_value, 'roll': roll_value}
- EfficientNet